Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.
When I was a child, I had very good mentors, spiritual guidance. However because life presents tradgedy and trauma, I questioned my early guidance. Not to mention, I became a teenager which meant everything I learned was in a toss up. Being psychic and not being able to speak about it outside of family, I had to hide my real self. That did not last very long until I had my Near Death Experience. Though, I thought I was going to go crazy, I was given a second chance to allow my heart and mind to grow towards the Light. I learned that I was always loved by all the beings in my life. And, I learned that Love is the only real reason to Live. Because I learned at such an early age, I have lived my life with the intention, most of the time. But what I have been working on in the world, as a Light Being and Human Being is to bridge the gap between the two experiences of Reality.

I learned what it felt like to be in an intense Soul to Soul, Dreamer to Dreamer, relationship beginning at age sixteen. For six years, I had that luxury. And, it was a luxury. One never knows what one loses until one tosses it out the window. When perfection is gone, there is nothing to replicate it. That is how I felt. Then, I discovered that Love comes from the Light. My first relationship, we merged in our astral bodies in the Light. We thought that was the epitome of relationship. Yet, the next experience, I awoke as a Being of Luminous Light. That shocked me. I had awoken as the creator like a god within God. It took me years to release behavioral patterns to align with my Light Being. And, still I work on releasing emotional patterns after over twenty five years.

In all those years, I had been seeking my perfect mate. I knew that I was being drawn to Soul Mates. I had coined the term Soul Flames to describe a Soul Mate which caused an Awakening to the Light. Yet, the Soul Flame would not offer the entire spectrum necessary to continue on as a lifetime partner. I was asking the Source to lead me, to guide me to understand the meaning of the Soul Flame relationship. On that quest, I learned Soul Lessons beyond my wildest imagination.

Through relationship after relationship where I learned Soul Lessons and healed my Soul again and again, I realized I was in an evolutionary state of transitioning from one state of being to another. In the early ninenties, the book Twin Souls had opened a new world of relationship to me. I had not taken it seriously at that time. I did not know if it was another New Age paradigm. My own experiences were not described in the mystical or paranormal literature. Since May 2014 when I asked my Light Being to guide me to my Twin Flame, I have been asking deep core questions about the meaning of the Soul Flame relationship.

The basis of what I have learned has come through to me regarding our ability and willingness to share deeper and deeper intimately. Through my relationships, I had felt as if I had been at times talking to walls. I felt that I was trying to communicate from the depths of my soul yet my partner might not be able to understand. I had learned through dreams and dreaming with a partner that we can know each other directly through our dreams. Yet, waking to dreams posed surmountable emotional fears. And, to break through those fears, one must meditate and ponder the meaning as well as release the inner anxieties and fears. And, to be able to handle all of that within relationship, both partners must be able to allow each other to feel fear and pain when deep emotions emerge. I began to realize that the only way to handle this was to be able to openly speak about my own experiences so that I could at least create a model for communicating from my deepest core self.

Last year, I realized that I had to break through my own emotional fears regardless of having a partner. I had to break free from withholding pain and allow myself to freely share with other regardless of criticism, judgement and their own fears of feeling emotions. I realized that those of us who have had a lifetime of relationship experience, deep intimacy and desire for direct intimacy must as a Soul Group, a Planetary Soul Group, share as a collective. Our lifetime of sharing intimacy with partners, sharing deep core soul feelings and emotions could crack open a new basis for being in relationship.

Being Human is what I have been asigned to be. I had several Near Death Experiences since I was two and a half years old. I had come in with a formed astral body and sense of control in the astral. I had spiritual teachers in my family, ancestral guides as well as other guides in the spirit. I was not allowed to travel back to the Light and leave the planet until I am done here. That realization came in 1999. I had been leaving my body, heading toward the Light. My guide would not allow me to leave. I had to stay. Merely because I have control in the astral and Light did not give me the power to forego my contract to be Human.

Being Human means embracing the Human Being, the body with all the feelings and emotions just like the all the other animals. To understand how to handle the depths of feelings and emotions, we have to delve into them. We have to allow ourselves to feel through our feelings and allow our emotions to give us signals about those feelings. Being Human is being Multidimensional. We sense through layers of our Being. To understand our selves, we must allow our selves to teach us. Like driving a car, we learn what the car can do, how it manuevers, then we learn to handle driving it. We learn by doing.

To be able to handle relationship, we not only must know our own selves, we must also be able to communicate from within. As we move through relationship, we must be able to share as we learn about ourselves. That places us on the cutting edge, the bleeding edge of being vulnerable-being authentic, being real. Maybe we should change the spelling of relationship to relationship.

The phrase, “I love you.” does not cut it. It does not state the perceptions of feeling and emotions. It is more like on icing on the cake. I have been meditating for over a year about how to communicate from deeper layers of the soul. First, of course, dreams are essential. Yet, sensing while awake, the body being awake, means that there are all kinds of feelings and sensory experiences occuring. How are we to learn to share if we have no language to share our deep sensory experiences with a partner? That is the question that I have posed to my Light Being.

I felt as I have moved through sharing the experiences of being Light, being Light with other Light Beings, my experiences of merging in the Light, I have been working toward being able to share from the core of my Soul. And, I feel that breaking through my fears of sharing such Sacred Intimacy, I am breaking through to be able to share words, phrases and other linugistic means of communication which I feel will eventually open a dialoge with other Plantetary Souls who will be able to help co-create a Language of Love and Light. I mean, that we need to be able to express our experiences with our partners, and close intimates be they friends, family our Soul Group. I feel that there is no other choice. We are evolving and we must learn to communicate from our Light Beings.



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