Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

Soul Flame Stories

Come my beloved
Hold my hand
Let’s get disappeared
This wind will take us far beyond the seas
This soothing breeze will touch our eyes
to see our own magical dreams
I can feel your warm rays
piercing through every corner of my being
Embrace me so tight
until our hearts learn to dance to the same old beat
We become one
the moment our flames melt us away
and fill in the spaces of our souls
I am waiting my love
Let’s light up this world again

My Egyptian Past Life is active again. I have this all of my life since my childhood. Either I became possessed by Tutankhamen or whatever. Last week the vision I had was intense.

I often feel I have been a Pharaoh in Egypt. One woman I dated for only one night in college, circa 1991/2, told me that she saw my face change, looking like the face of the Tutankhamen. In 1980s, I had telepathy, mutual dreams and merged into the Light with my first female partner of 6 years. We have always been telepathic, even after we broke up in 1989. In 2003, I woke being initiated on a stone slab, surrounded by a small group of people and a man with a Staff. He pointed the Staff at my body. White Light came through it like Lightening. My astral body floated above my body while I released thousands of lifetimes.

In 2002, I was invited to attend a small circle of scientists for a presentation given by a visiting Physicist from Jordan. He is a Drew Sufi. After his presentation about the Whirling Dervishes, I met with him. He told me that when I met my Twin Soul, I would travel to the Middle East with my Light Teachings, effectively ending the Ancient Religious Wars. This of course was hard to believe though astounding, humbling and unimaginable all at once. About that time, I met Wallis Budge and his wife in my astral experiences. I was tasked by contract, given a long contract in which I was to retrieve the Ancient Egyptian Teachings of Time Travel. By the end of 2003, I began having experiences of being an Egyptian Priest. I awoke being initiated to release thousands of lifetimes prior to my Egyptian life. I felt as if I was struck by Lightning. I have written elsewhere about the pain I felt, not being able to life myself out of bed with out by my assistant.

In summer 2004, a married woman chased me and asked me to marry her. That day, I was in car not for an affair, she was a client only. However, she picked me up that day. When we are were on the freeway, my astral hand was holding hers so physically palpable. I looked down at my lap and both hands were on me not holding her hand as I felt. I said nothing as I knew that she was attracted to me, and I was not breaking client healer boundaries. However, after the healing, she looked at me and said, after we were downstairs, “I am seeing your as a Pharaoh.” She listed other Past Lives beginning with a Caveman moving through time. That is the day, after that healing, she asked me to marry her. It was an intense day but I was speechless. Never the less, that was the second woman who had seen my face change to a Pharaoh.

I believe that our Souls do Divide. I have merged with Past Partners in the Light. My mother and I agree on our lifetime of Soul Experiences. She was the first one to point this out to me. I did not know what to make of that as she had said that when I was in my 20s in the 1990s. However, after several relationships, I began to understand what she meant. I had been experiencing merging with partners into the Light. My experiences are like Near Death Experiences but with partners. I began to formulate that we have Soul Flames we merge with before our final Twin Flame.

Yes, I do believe Souls have Lifetimes and that our Souls grow through stages through Lifetimes of Soul Lessons. At some point, after accumulating Soul Lessons, we complete Soul Maturation and begin to understand the Immortality of our Soul. I am stating this from my experiences of being a Being of Light, given the Summary of my Soul’s Lifetimes, my Soul name and meeting hundreds of Light Beings who are in my Soul Group in 1993. I am stating this from experience, not conjecture, not reading books, not fantasy. My dreams and visions have been tested even by scientists in the field of parapsychology, many years ago.

During the first week of May 2017, I had an intense vision.

May 03, 2017
A vision opened up to me. I saw a long corridor where hundreds of men were using some kind of hand tools to break up the sides of the rock walls. It was like they were building a corridor. I could see the sun at the end of the long corridor.

All of the men bowed in front of me. I could see the back of the heads who I felt as my self and partner as if we are King and Queen in some ancient dynasty.
May 08, 2017
During the past week, I had an intense vision. A close friend sent me some images she found that fit the description of my vision. I was amazed. I had never seen those images before the last few days.

That vision opened me to the potential of your power as a soul. I was opening to what it could mean if you opened to you power the way I am open to mine. I never told anyone what I saw precisely to anyone but one close friend. I saw us both emanating Luminous Light while the workers working were entirely normal human. The workers all laid down, face forward, prostrating on the ground as in worship and honor. There was a long corridor and there was Light at the end. That means to me that the Light Beings were giving me this 3 dimensional, full color, vivid, life like vision of a scene in a past life. I was in awe and shock.

My shock opened me to meditate further on the meaning. Am I almost there? Is this the One? If not then who is the One? Uncertainty is a quandary, I am experiencing.



In May 2014, I meditated on opening to be guided to my final partner. I had been isolating myself from social life whilee I was single for three and a half years by that time. I have meditated since I was a child, had guidance in dreams, astral experiences and guidance by members of both sides of my family. I was blessed to be with my first partner because we shared dreams and both had the same experience of merging as astral beings in the Light. However, being psychic has never been easy.

First, as a child, I loved my life at night in dreams and the astral. I thoroughly enjoyed learning in my sleep. Yet, the psychic events of the day was intense for me. Being a child is extrasensitive normally but to be extrasensory perceptive is overstimulating and overwhelming. To learn to discern the difference between physical and non-physical objects can be painful. As a toddler, I was always walking into walls and other hard barriers. When I was young, I thought that I had hit my forehead so many times that my head was hardened like steel. My head has hit and broke a 1069 VW Squareback in head on collision. Funny that my head was not bleeding though I had a concussion, blacked out and was temporily paralyzed. That was a very scary period when I could have become a quadraplegic. My neck injuries effected me since that time. I had told my friends in high school that I was going to die in a car accident by the time I was nineteen. Well, I lived through it and many other narrow escapes. Or, as I like to refer them as the times my Guides sent me back for more of this life. Besides that, being in my body has been a very oversensitive, overstimulating and overwhelming experience. I was sent to Marcy Calhoun, a local psychic, for meditation training as a teen ager. It was well known that I was psychic in my family but in the world, it meant nothing. People outside my family were oblivious.

As far as being in the world, I was peceived as intelligent and even genius. I was a star student, performer in music and sports, and later at work. Decades later, I would be considered an Honoray Scientist for a Non Profit Scientific Research group for my work in correlating Astral Experiences with Physics. In that sense, it would seem that I would be a highly productive and career oriented person. However, though I had been accepted in Science as a Psychic for my abilities and knowledge, I also felt misunderstood most of the time. Some of the Scientists understood me because they had studied psychics like me for decades. Judith Orloff, M.D. is also one one of the Psychics who was stuidied and she became a Psychiatrist after accepting her Psychic abitlities as real, necessary and useful as a means of healing clients. I first read her book Second Sight when in came out in the nineties. I recommend it because she want through some of the same fears and dreads I went through as a Psycihc.

I have written about my college friend Mala who committed suicide. We would meet at coffee shops. We were both telepathic with each other. We were both intelligent, logical and intersted in discovering the scientific basis of explaining our astral experiences. I have a smile on my face when I recall that we would be at a college party in a corner comparing and contrasting leaving our bodies, floating through the ceiling and shifting through space and time–past, present and future realms of experience. We were the only two students around us who could and would speak about these extrasensory experiences.

Mala was in the Art Department. I was in the Philosophy Department. Most of my friends were artists taking Art classes. All of my closest friends were very talented artists. As one of the talented artists, she was multitalented. Though all my friends were talented her intelligence was on par with mine. I was charting the axis between past, present and future. I was concerned about being able to handle my extrasensory perceptions. I was studying the Ancient Philosophers–especially the Platonic School of Metaphysics. I had studied science since I was in third grade. Harold Houdini was one of my Spirit Guides. He would guide me to books in the public library. I was nine years old seeking the scientific explanation for creation. In college, Mala and I were studying theories such as the Holographic Universe and Parallel Dimensions of Space and Time.

It was at that time, I had been having Life Reviews where I had been shown my life as a child through to my college years as well as past lives and then I was having future lives. My experiences in the Space Time was so visceral that I was waking up forgetting my name, age and not recognizing my self. I kept a journal and took copious notes. To this day, I have taken notes on my Spiritual Journey. When I am shifting through deep core soul changes, I take notes. When I am having calm and stable experience of life, I do not take notes. I recall the highlights of the dreams of my entire life such as choosing my mother before I was born. This used to drive my mother nuts. While Mala and I were discovering the meaning of our astral experiences using scientific methodology, she told me that she was my Twin Soul. She told me that we met at the wrong time, a minute off the timeline. According to Mala, I was supposed to meet her before I met her best friend who was standing a few feet away from her when I introduced myself at a Halloween party in 1991. That would be Fall of 1993. At that time, I had been waking to my Life Purpose as a Light Being.

The night I had been called to be informed of her suicide, I dreamt that she came to me as a Light Being wearing a White Wedding Dress wearing black Dr. Marten boots. Three angels were singing.

“Don’t ya feel dead…

When you’re lying

In your bed

Don’t ya feel dead…

When you’re surrounded

By good friends

Don’t ya feel dead…

When the voices in your head

Scream and your mouth

Can’t make a sound….

Don’t you feel…

Don’t you feel…

Don’t you feel…


In your head…”

I kept waking up to write the words from my dream. Then, I would go back to sleep. I missed the funeral but her life long best friend was there with all of our mutual friends. She told Mala’s mother that she had a dream that Mala came to her in a dress and told her she was saying her last “Good bye.” I was driving from New Mexico on my way to Northern California. Everyone knew that I was trying to get home so I was given the message when I arrived. During the days after her death, I had regular out of body experiences. Other astral beings were showing up at the edge of my bed to take me out to fly.

I would see them at the edge of my bed and then I would leave my body. I would pass through the wall behind my bed and walk out the doorway in the kitchen and fly above the Sonoma vineyards– a gorgeous view from above. I love California. I cried nearly every day. Though I was astral traveling with Shamans around the world, being in the world without a flying partner who was a real in the flesh person I could share my discoveries was like I died myself. At a certain point in time, she came back to me as an astral being. Her astral being brought me through the holographic memories of her life. She showeed me why she felt alienated and isolated in her childhood around her family and friends. She was showing me that she could no longer handle the lonliness. She brought my astral being back to my body and then her Light merged into my Light. That was the last time she was a seperate being. Since that time, she has been part of my being.

The last time we talked was in the summer of 1994. I met with her to tell her that I was heading off out of state to go to graduate school. I knew that she was till healing from this Spiritual Crisis we both were experiencing. We were between worlds. We both felt misunderstood and both of us were trying to understand the meaning of our lives. She said, “You are the lucky one.” She had everything. Her parents ran a winery. She had a gorgeous view of the vineyards from her room which had a balcony. For all intent purposes, she lived like a princess. When I was in her room above the vineyard that summer, she said, “Do you thin we are angels?” She was reffering to our Light Beings. I said, “I do not know.” She asked me to live with her and her best friend. I was speechless. The three of us were so psychic with each other. I could not see us being able to handle being together in the same house. I could only see us all having this Spiritual Crisis together and not being able to make sense out of what we were experiencing. I was going off following my dreams. I had dreams with shamen who were guiding me to mentors who could, would and did give me the guidance I needed to ground my expanded awareness and burgeoning knowledge of astral realms and being psychic.

In Decmeber 1994, I got the call that changed my life and essentially changed my Spiritual Journey. The fear of abandonment and rejection had propelled me to steer clear of relationnship. Although I did have a girlfriend, she could not understand me in the ways I needed to feel and be understood. For her, she understood my extrasensory experiences were real. I had seen her deceased mother floating above her bed the first night spent at her place in college. She never told me her mother died in her teens. Seeing her mother and describing her was proof. All of my close friends knew my dreams and visions could come true. Although it was understood that I was psychic, no one understood my pscychic pain the way Mala understood me. We were sharing this pain of feeling seperated from everyone else. We both experienced extrasensory experience of being astral beings who are awake and aware of astral beings arounds us who are unaware and alseep. To us, it was as if we were surrounded by zombies. Yet, her death caused me to pause and consider a request she made of me. She had asked me to heal her. I did not understand how she knew I could heal her when she was alive. Yet, I was learning that I had power that heal others and I was practicing on my girlfriend while we were together. I just did not not understand that would become my Life Purpose–to heal astral beings. Her death was the pivotal point. I understood.

In my first relationship, my partnership opened me to accept the Meaning of Life-Love. I realized that the reason to live and not risk myself dying by living at the edge in order to release my body and enter the astral and die was Being in Love. That was my first major Soul Lesson. I have had many Soul Lessons like everyone else has had them. Yet, the Core of My Being needed to accept Being Human. Being In Love made being Human acceptable. However, the next Soul Lesson I learned was that Facing Pain of Being in Love is necessary. I could not avoid or ignore it. Being Psychic made me more extrasensory sensitive. Being able to sense through the astral being of a partner, see visions of my partner’s memories, feel the feelings and emotions of a partner’s past, present and future was beyond durable I felt. I was avoiding being engaged with another partner, an astral being. Her death forced me to face the fact that avoiding and ignoring the Pain of Being in Love was dangerous and self-anhilating. I understood: even if I avoided and ignored a relationship, I was going to feel the merging in the astral even if and when a partner left the body-died.

I have been reading Judith Orloff’s book recently again because she went through the Psychic Pain. The pain of feeling, sensing, and otherwise experiencing the pain of others caused her to avoid and ignore her Psychic Senses in high school. I did that same. I was on a quest to anhilate the Psychic Pain. But I fell in Love. Love healed me to the point that I had a Reason to Live. I knew that Love was the Cure. I did not know that I could be in love again but I knew that it was imperitive that I Opened my Heart to Love. After losing the Love of my Life, losing Mala as a human being, Being in Love with other Soul Mates and a few Soul Flames, I found myself letting go of the Psychic Pain of Being in Love again in 2014.

In May 2014, I opened my Heart again. And, the Psychic Pain felt like my entire body was in fire, for months. For several months, I felt burining pain the degree I could not sleep. I saw White Light whenever I closed my eyes. I could not dream except a few times. I was triggered to experience deep core soul memories of pain by meeting a few soul mates. At a certain point, I had meditated to the point where I merely felt burning pain in my heart. Then, I met another potential partner. I had begun to share the depths of my self as a Psychic. Yet, I felt her response was intelligent, emotionally intelligent and intuitive but I felt that she could not understand the Psychic Pain I was sensing from her own Psychic Pain. I was feeling and sensing the Psychic Pain she was carrying. I felt she was hiding it from me and the world. I felt that she could not discuss her Psychic Pain because it seemed that she couild not understand mine. That triggered me to the Core of Psychic Pain. I could not handle the intensity of the Psychic Pain.

I had been meditating on how to communicate the deeper Core Psychic Pain with a potential partner before we met. Yet, the more I opened to the Psychic Pain to share it, the more I felt. I became oversensitive, overstimulated, overwhelmed. By the time we were beginning to discuss the issue of being intuitive, psychic and astral, both of us were not able to communicate through our own fear of seperation. The intense emotions welling in me caused me to let her know I could not handle communicating. I was doing the best I could to handle my Psychic Pain but it hit me like me like a Tsunami. I was under the waves and holding onto my breathing. All I could do was meditate on the Psychic Pain coming in waves into my heart.

As I was meditaing on healing my own Psychic Pain, I began to feel her Psychic Pain. And, over the course of weeks, I felt our Hearts merge in the Astral. Within two months, I dreamt about a past life. I did not know who the Chinese man was in my dreams. Her voice came through and said, “How do you feel me now?” I said, “I feel you inside me.” I woke up realizing that I had felt the full astral merge. I had understood that my astral being had been merging with hers in the Light. Although the Pscyhic Pain had shifted into feeling merged and blissful, I would feel periods of Psychic Pain in my heart. I felt that we were both healing in parallel. Our astral beings were merged and we were both healing our Hearts in the astral. Within a few months, I had a dream where she showed me her Psyhchic Pain of feeling misunderstood. I awoke and I knew. I understood.

We were sharing the same pain I had shared with Mala. We were sharing the Psychic Pain of feeling alone and isolated in feeling understood from the Core of our Souls. We both had shared enough for me to realize that we were sharing from our Core Soul Beings. She had pointed out that we were merging before I realized that it was happening. I was waiting for her to tell me what was happening because of my Psychic Pain. I was terrified that I would be abandoned and rejected for sensing her Pyschic Pain. I mean, I knew that I could feel her Psychic Pain but I did not think that she would understand me if I shared that with her. I was holding back from sharing what I was sensing and feeling about and from her. I felt when she became afraid of me abandoning and rejecting her. I felt the moment that we were both feeling the same fear. That same fear caused us both to retract, emotionally shit down at the same time. And, then we were not able to communicate. Yet, I knew what was happening yet could not break through my own emotional block from communication.

Since that time, I began to work through breaking through my emotional patterns of emotional withholding. I have been moving through breaking all emotional patterns of not being able to verbalize my fear of being criticised, judged and being feared for being Psychic. I am extending my sense of being in fear of being misunderstood for being Psychic. The divide of being able to explain things to a partner is a steeper ravine. Being able to tell a partner that I can and do experience not only visions of the past or the future or of deceased loved ones but that I also experience being those other beings. I can experience the entire lifetime of another astral being.-dead or alive. I can experience memories being formed by a partner. In other words, I can sense and feel where she is at another location, what she might feel, think, say or do. I can experience a partner as Another Myself.

I had meditated asking my Light Being to guide me to the Other Myself, my Twin Flame on and off since I was in college when I was in my twenties. However, I did not know what I know now. I had to experience several Soul Mates and a few Soul Flames. I had to understand the depth of the experiences of astral merging, sharing mutual dreams, sharing astral experiences. I had to fine tune my awareness and understanding being finely attuned to my partner’s awareness. I had to open my Heart to merging entirely, ongoing, comitted to continuing to cross the division between Self and Other. And, that means accepting, acknolwedging and experiencing the Psychic Pain of the Beloved. It meansing being able to continue to express Love, opening to deeper Love, and sharing the depth of Our Hearts as a Couple, Equal and Together.

The Psychic Pain of fear of seperation from feeling sensed, felt, heard, witnessed, understood is immense. To accept that we can be sensed from an extrasensory sensory experience of being merged in the astral is an immense self-acknowledgement of our sensience as beings created by the Source. It means, we are One with God, Great Spirit, the Cosmos. Overcoming the fear of seperation from the Beloved opens us to become One between Self and Other and God. This is a very super sensitive experience is the greatest bliss and yet between moments of bliss, there are moments of terror of loss. That is what caused the end of my first relationship within the year of merging in the Light. It caused me to avoid a relationship which ended in a suicide. And, it has been causing me to be single since 2014. Yet, I know that I have been merged in the astral and in the Light. I know that I will cross the divide at some point in time and space. It will happen. I wil get beyond the divisions of time and space.

It is happening. It is happening because I am casting of the fear of exposing my raw fear of acknowledging my PyschicPain-my fear of being misunderstood for what I sense and feel as real. Being understood by a partner, knowing that my partner is not only tuned into me but also in sychronization with me in the astral, heart, body, mind and soul is the ultimate intimacy. There is no other intimacy other than merging into the Light. And, that I have done and that will happen again as it is my destiny. I know the stages and process of merging. I understand.

Every time I am sharing my experiences of being Psychic, I am crossing the divide. At some point, I will feel understood from the Core of my Soul. And, then I will be in relationship with my final partner. I will know by sensing the reality of extrasensory experience of merging. I understand.

In sharing, you may understand.



I have been having a lot of powerful flying dreams in the last year. Last night, I was showing off my flying skills. I was demonstrating how to avoid a major storm system. When I went to sleep, I had felt I wanted to discuss issues about relationship, power and handling powe with a partner. I wanted to discuss the core issues that are incorrect about current teachings in the Twin Flames movement. I began the Jed Heart Project to open up my own personal life experiences as a Light Being.
For yars, I had trained groups of an average of seven people to dream together, learning and practicing astral skill sets. I know by experience of dreaming with people around the world since my mid-twenties which is around twenty five years, that the most common misconception about Twin Flame relationship is telepathy. My first relationship began when I was sixteen. That relationship validated spiritual teachings I had received throughout my childhood. We had mutual dreams and were telepathic. And, we both merged as astral beings in the Light in the last year we were together. We both did a tremendous amount of inner work for several years as friends. When you love someone unconditionally, you may not need to be with them to love them. You can still maintain soul work at a distance. We learned how to process our emotions seperately without being sexually intimate.
That opened me to being abe to handle more intimacy. I went to college while I was working. But when I transfered to the University, I attended full time. At that time, after my partnership ended, I began meeting Soul Mates. I was surrounded by a group of friends and learned that I could dream with them. They were confused by this fact. It was intense for me to navigate layers of intimacy with friends who I was not attracted to be lovers. And, that perplexed some of my Soul Mates. On their end, they experienced this intimacy as meaning it is a relationship as in love relationship. So, for me, I already had mutual dreams and telepathy with my group of Soul Mates in college over twenty years ago.
I developed workshops to train small groups of people to handle the intense intimacy of group mind, mutual dreaming. I was guided to design and develop workshops to bring out ancient tribal teachings. In our modern world, people had become estranged to their own extrasensory perceptions. And, for those of us Extra Sensitives and Ultra Sensitives, we were living in an underground bubblle of communicating with each other through various groups. The Spiritualist Groups was a main source of meeting other people who had various so called gifts. As part of my childhood, I was introduced into Spiritualist Groups around the age of twelve. That was a formal means of stepping up into becoming an adult Ultra Sensitive in the 70s. However, my teachings from my guides were outside the Box-every box. As many of the teachers at the time, I traveled to people’s homes and tauught private workshops. Later, I scheduled workshops and needed to rent space. Over time, I was travelin up to 35 weekends a month-performing heaings, giving presentations, working one on one and in group My life was dominated by my schedule. My schedule was exhausting.
Every spiritual teacher who anyone has heard about or never heard about goes through his mmissionary phase of experience. People crave spiritual awakening, guidance, mentorship and training. our world had become bankrupt from ancestors being persecuted, tortured and killed for neary two millenium. In ancient and primordial times, one group could over take another group of people by assassinating the powerrful leaders, elders and women of a clan or tribe. Over time, the abilities to protect elders and women became a primary goal in order to protect the natural intelligence of a group-clan or tribe. Creating new ways to inovate astral skills was a primary task of Spiritual Warriors of both male and females. I am such a product of an ancient blood line. And, that means, I had to learn astral skill sets which can alleviate an oppsoing force such as storm system. The power of dreams is not merely in dreaming or in sleep. The power comes from our astral connection to Source. Without that connection there is only illusions and delusions.
Understanding how to compare and contrast the variations of dreams, dream skill sets are required. Those skill sets can predicate fate and destiny. Without those skills, only wishful thinking can occur. And, that is where we are in our World Wide Spiritual Movement. We are in need of leaders and healers with intense intentional skill sets. I had hoped to find my own mate when i had opened to accepting a partner. The skill set I have must be matched and synchronized wtih a partner. I have an affinity to work within Soul Groups. I can work with many groups and attune to them in order to train them. However to work with a partner, I need to be attuned to my partner just as animals are attuned. I need to be so synchronized that it feels like we are moving as One in Two Bodies. I understand the requirements. I understand the intimacy. I also understand that a Mutual Vision of Purrpose needs to arise in order for synchronization of teachings, healing and other skills sets.
Not everyone is going to be a healer and teacher in the world at large. That is a great task to take on clients and students around the world. To give a picture of what is required to be a World Renown Spiritual Healer and Teacher, take a microcosmic snapshot of handling closer relationships. All of the closer Soul Group relationships must be evolving. All of the work we do within our closer Soul Groups, we must continue to do while we are expanding into other Soul Groups. Otherwise, we become emotionally distant those those we love the most. That is an inherant danger. We do not need to become solitary spiritual yogis to evolve. Those on the path of spiritual evolution must also be resolving Soul Mate, Soul Group evolution prior to Twin Soul and Twin Flame relationships. All of the relationships must reflect a pattern of evolving. That does not mean any one person or group is perfect beyond human impertection. We are not faceted diamonds. We are not solid geometric forms. We are evolving, transforming, moving sentient beings with anima-Life Force.
Personally, I keep moving through my own evolution of relationships with family and friends. To be very candid, I have former love relationships just like many other people in the world. However, my relationships are based on a continuum. I have had mutual dreams with Soul Mates who are past partners. When there is an issue that I am working on deeply in my Soul Work, I may have a dream with a past partner. Some of my past partners share dreams openly with me at times. I share some of my dreams with past partners if there is a need. I am being very candid about this fact. To make space and time for partner, I have meditated on discerning the difference between a Soul Mate, Soul Flame and Twin Flame.
I can only imagine that my Twin Flame will take on the power of handling a scale of healing, teaching and being in the Light with me as an equal mate. What that would look like for myself and partner, I had left that blank. I had left public work in order to continue writing to support Light Teachings. Life circumstances brought me head on with the facts of life. I had to handle the deaths of family members, move three hours north of my old home base, transition out of relationship, and then ground my life again. I spent a lot of inner work processing relationship and family issues. I was coming back to layers of my self, working from reflecting on childhood memores, then teen-age, working my way to present time. I am so glad I finally hit that by last fall. I made full circle.
In the Ancient Greek teachings on Twin Souls, it is stated that we learn through our Soul Mate relationships and then we arrive at a point where we have accumulated Soul Knolwedge. At this point, we lose interest in Soul Mates. It is a natural transition for those Souls who have been evolving. The Platonic School was a school of deep thought and self-reflection. Know Thy Self is the motto. So, it is those Souls who Self-Reflect who arrive at losing interest in Soul Mates. And, at that point their only attraction is to complete the cycle of learning with a Twin Soul. In the Platonic School, it was said that the Soul evolved for 2000 years before arriving at the last life time. When I experienced being given my Soul Name and Light Body Purpose, I was given the summary of All my Past Lifetimes. In that message, the Entire Summary of the Meaning of All My Past Lifetimes meant that I had been a Spiritual Healer and Teacher many times and I was being awakened to remember my ongoing mission as a Spiritual Teacher.
In this Life, I was to take out a set of Light Teachings to the World. That was intense and overwhelming for me. Since that time, I had to learn to handle more and more enerrgy in the astral. I had to handle periods of releasing all kinds of internal emotonal and mental patterns. I had to let go of other people projecting onto me. I had to let go of what others felt and thought about me. I had to learn keep my heart open and yet not feel personal about other people’s personal issues. I had to accept that my life is not one that is my own in the sense of feeling that I was sought in dreams and daily life. I retreated into my private world, intending to have a family life after all and share my life with my close circles of friends and family. Two years ago, it became clear to me that the world was ready for understanding what I know. I had been preparing to handle a partner and maintain a private life in order to prepare for a public life. Knowing and sensing that my natural partner would do this on her own without me knowing or helping in any way, I have kept that part of my life open to processing changes I needed to make and intimacy I would need to cultivate.
Being that I am communicating with Soul Groups, the issues would be vast. For instance, when I worked with one of my partners, we did healing and teachings together. During our travels and work with individuals and groups, we were constantly faced with deeper layerrs of Soul Group memories and emotional materials. For instance we were working with a group. One member of the group had come to us both to tell us about her partnership issues. We both discussed what she was telling us each in the astral. I had to take her aside and let her know that her astral being had been communicating her relationship problems with both of us. On other occasions, we both had simulatenous past life memories with variious clients and students. One of the prevalent past llfetimes was Ancient Egypt. One year, I began having clients, students have memories of being a Caveman. I also had memories of being a Caveman at that time. So, there were these various processes I had to process with my partner while we did spiritual work together.
One issue which effected our personal relationship is that my partner was not able to open her own Light. She needed me to use my astral body to clear her astral body by bringing in the Light. First. we were traveling hundreds of miles and up to a thousand miles in a weekend on a regular basis. I was healing and teaching people to handle the Light. My partner asking me to take her to the Light during the week was more work for me. And, in addition, she had been raised Catholic in a Cathlolic country in Europe. So, she had this constant sense of me being like Jesus. This was driving me nuts. I had no intent on emulating Spiritual Masters who would be viewed as non-human.
I embraced my human nature. Yet, often the work of taking people to the Light opened me to this projection of being non-human. This incessant ideation of being a cult figure is a serious problem. To break free from this problem, I had to contnually delve into my human nature to release the core issues. Being center of attention is a human experience. Being loved, respected and cherished by many people is an honor. Yet to be expected to be perfect continually then be criticised and judged for being a real human is a intense emotional stress. It becomes a crisis when those around you cannot handle the stress with you. The stresses on my partners working on handling my public life was immense. There was the personal intensity of sharing dreams and telepathy. From what I have been told by past partners, that part was intense. In addition, adding the intensity that I had mutual dreams, healing dreams and telepathy added dimensions of intensity. One major issue was jealousy. Naturally, any partner who could not handle the layers of Soul Group issues could not handle relationship with me. Letting go of intimacy is heart breaking. I needed to understand how to handle extreme layers of intimacy while in partnership.
A lot of Twin Flame authors refer to Surrender often. Surrender has many layers of self for certain. I have never had a problem with Surrendering to relationship. I have documented my astral merging processes since I was sixteen years old. I have been focusing on intimacy–intimacy in the astral, intimacy in mutual dreams, sharing dreams, sharing experiences in both Life and Light. Imagine merging in the astral with a partner in the Light. This is to me is the ultimate merging experience. I have yet to discuss sexual intimacy referring to being in the Light. I can state that astral mering with a partner in the Light is erotic. There is no sexual equivalent by merely having sex. It is true that you do not need to touch. It is also true that you can be at distance from anywhere in the world. Our Astral Beings are not bound by time nor space. However, to harness the energy of both Souls, they must be united in the physical. The physical is where we manifest as human beings. The purpose of the merge is harness the creative power of both Souls.
Being able to handle Light in relationship requires equal power as well as equal vulnerability. Handling both power and vulnerability requires emotional and mental honesty. As layer of psyche and emotion release deeper patterns of memories, astral connections with other astral beings in the Soul Group–family, friends, clients, students, people we meet anywherre and everywhere–both partners need to be able to hold the space and time to heal with eachother as well as transform, shift and evolve as a partnership to gain power as team, a couple.
This entire process is like making a soup or fruit smoothie. All of the ingredients are added to create layers of taste, texture, nutritional value. The end result is an edible meal. A relationship has so many other layers that all those parts need to come together wiith the finesse of a chef creation. In other words, the couple needs to be presentable to offer a pallette of heaing and teaching within the Soul Group. If nothing is happening but emotional chaos, there is no central power and there is not discernable intelligence. And, there is no spiritual teachings. From out of the ashes, a Pheonix should arise. If that is not happening for both partners in synchronisation, their partnership is not a Twin Flame Union. It seems to sound harsh. The standard for a relationship should not be whether it is a Twin Flame Union or not. The standard should be the Surrender of Power and Vulnerabiity to create Intimacy, period. A Twin Flame Union is not necessary to feel love, be in love, be in life long committed relationship.
A Twin Flame Union should not be viewed as the only way to evolve. All along, people evolved. I came into this life with astral experience and developed astral navigation as a child. I thought my first rellationship was going to be my last. We both thought and felt we would be together forever and especially after we merged in the Light as astral beings. Yet, that relationship became the foundation for more than I imagined would come to pass. The only reason I felt called to seek out and find my Twin Fllame is because of meditation, self-realization and open discussions with Soul Mates over my lifetime. Knowing that I had reached this point where I could not feel emotionally comfortable with any other partner than someone I could share the depth, the Light of my Heart, I realized I could no longer be with a Soul Mate based partner.
For some, it may come as a complete shock of realization that a Twin Flame can exist. For me, it is my llfetime of enlightenment, meditating, asking the Light, waiting for visions and voices for guidance. I expect to meet a Twin Soul who is as familiar with me n the astral, in dreams as I am herself. Before the past year, I did not understand how to handle a Twin Flame articulating what her experience of me meant to her. Now, after deep self-reflection, I do understand that though we may have this astal awareness of each other, our language, terminology, words, metaphors to describe and explain our own individual and unique perceptions may be different. And, I have to be prepared to handle dialogue, discusion, asking “What did you mean?”; “Why are you saying this or that word?”; “What does that mean to you?”; “What does this relationship mean to you?” Things I took for granted because I was going by my own psychic senses, I can no longer take for granted. I have to be clear and clarify. This is a process to clear out the emotional and mental confusion surrounding communicating intimately, fine tuning, learning to compare and contrast each other’s awareness of self, each other and life.
I also believe that if we think we are starting out in a Soul Mate relationship, we may end up in a Twin Flame relationship if both parties continue on the ultimate path of Surrender and Intimacy. It is my goal to highlight as many spiritual based relationship issues as possible and share them so that as our world evolves, people can initiate Spiritual Relationships earlier and earlier at younger and younger ages. This evolovution brings a balance to the planet. Instead of single mothers, divorce rates and scattered broken hearts throughout each land mass and island, we can work toward bringing more enlightenment to more people, sooner, younger and prepare them to handlle the evolution of Life and Light.
I do write for those who can understand the intention of the information I share as I am humbly offering it knowing that those who receive it are endowed with experience and knowledge and are working through similary relationship issues as spiritual beings evolving on a spritually evolving planet. Breaking free from the power stuggles to be able to share our spiritual selves has been an evolutionary process and we need to be able to handle more intimacy as we surrender to the planetary healing to support each other. No one does this work alone while we may feel alone. My dream, demonstrating the Power of Flying regardless of a Storm System emerging opened me to share more about Power and Vulnerability. Relation–ship is all about handling Fair Weather and Stormy Weather. Can we fly together? That is the question. That answer, “Yes!”