Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

Soul Retrieval

This thing that you call “stalking” does not unnerve me. Fact is that I am aware of you being aware of me and that is normal for me. Time, space, nothing is an obstacle in my state of awareness. The “obsession” you referred to as my “belief” hit a core soul wound for me. I have always been addicted to my own death. I have always preferred being in the astral, out of body, tempting fate, experiencing death. Every partner has been challenged by my desire to demonstrate that I am Immortal. I was born onto the path. I have recalled, relived many past lives, many past deaths, tortures–being sacrificed, burned at the stakes, hung. As well as I have recalled my self as warrior-raping and slaying, having many wives. I had to go though Life Reviews, be given the Summary of my Lifetimes, given my Life Purpose and reason to live.

Always, traveling outside my body, accessing the Light, I had to face the facts. I was not going to be allowed to die. Meanwhile, one of my beloved soul mates was allowed to leap to her death, leaving me to feel misunderstood, forcing me to teach and become a Spiritual Teacher. My friends love me. My family loves me. I am well loved and have always been. Yes, girlfriends have hurt me, tried to even kill me-things like trying to run me over on the street. Same girlfriends, have loved me more than they could handle. It is painful to have soul memories which cause one to feel the need to obliterate the source of pain. I blocked one of my Xes a day ago. She went to my mother to ask me on her behalf me to unblock her. I was hurt that she has a guru she respects more than me as we went through astral realms together and I was pissed off that she does not get our soul relationship is more sacred than some guru. We have not even been partners for over twelve years, and I adore her partner as a very sweet hearted woman and soul. I was still hurt that she did not get that our soul relationship is sacred. I am not possessive but I do in fact, one of my traits, keep track of all the souls in my soul group, my soul family-dead and alive.

Beginning of May, I asked the Light to understand who you are as a soul to mine. I was shown a past life in Egypt. It dawned on me then that we could trigger each other from the core of our Light Beings. Either one of us could either consciously or unconsciously trigger each other. And, that it would be ultimately healing. Days later, I was shown a vision of Black Birds flying around your head. Being given these visions while in a previous romantic relationship, new visions I had yet to understand, I had been opening to the Black Birds. I had to understand what they meant. I did not know I was being warned about you doing harm ,or harm being done to you, or if it was about your soul knowledge. So, I was cautious and set the boundary intentionally. Knowing the power I wield, I had to be cautious about what effects we might trigger as it is hard to know who has harmed, wounded and/or killed whom when it comes to past lives.

I kept telling you that I did not think that you could understand me. Finally, you told me that you knew more than I thought you knew. Finally, I knew that I was not wrong in sensing and feeling my visions had given me enough information to understand the potential of your soul triggering mine. You said I made you feel ill, that you felt nothing, that we are not soul mates. I said, “I hear you.” I did understand that experience. I understood that you body and mind could be jolted from your or our soul memories. I was concerned that we both felt and feel safe.

On July 4th, your astral being told me, “I know you are guiding me.” I was elated and said, “I am guiding you up and down.” I meant, I am guiding you to leave your body and enter it at will. At that moment, I felt bliss and felt our beings merge as Light Beings. I know that your soul knows me, understands me, and that although you yourself or even me myself cannot vocalize this knowledge, it is a given.

Regardless of time and space, we are bound to the eternal Realms of Light Beings. Though we walk in the Shadows, hiding our true selves from all those around us who cannot see, hear or know our selves as Beings of Light, we are never the less Beings of Light. As such, I was shown who you are as a Light Being. I know the origin in this life, this Soul Cycle wherein we have been together. That posed questions for me to take great care in meditating on the meaning of your existence in this life to my existence. It has been very painful. As I had been seeking my Egyptian Queen, my counter-part as a Luminous Light Being. Your Light Being poised to be the potential end of the search caused me to heed your words whether to heal me or otherwise force me to release my wounds so that I could finally open my Heart Light and Soul to my final partner whomever she be, even if that means she is you. You forced me to let go of you. Yet, I know that letting go forces me to accept the boundless reality of love without expectation, beyond control, a total surrender to the mystery of creation-fear of the unknown and unknowable existence.


(The Gift – movie with Cate Blanchet, 2000.)

This is very much how I experience reality. Except, I actually talk to other people. I can prevent rapes and murders as well as save lives in other ways. I have been saving lives since I was in college. I was always psychic and had spirit guides since early childhood. I was injured in the military and had my near death experience under anesthesia for surgery. After that, I could no longer turn off my abilities. I had to learn to not only live with them but to aid,help and heal other souls, people. That is what I have been doing for tweny five years.

My first Near Death Experience was in 1969. My mother had a dream that I was killed in an automobile accident. While we were passengers in a car, my mother’s cousin driving, a drunk driver ran a red light. My mother recalled the dream instantly, broke my flight into the windshield. She sustained a coma for a few days, broke both legs, broke lumbar vertebra, cracker her forehead and almost died. I was out of body, watching the ambulance take my mother’s body out of the wreckage. I was told that I had to live so that my mother would have a reason to live. My mother was pregnant with my first sibling. He was born within a month later. Of course if my mother died, he would have died.

All of my childhood, I had spirit guides. My father’s father had introduced me to our ancestors when I was two years old. I had regular astral experiences and teachings. My first partner was also part Native American as I am. She had dreams with her mother and sister growing up. So, we had astral experiences with each other, including merging into the Light.

I have been astral and psychic my entire life. I recall choosing my mother in the sixties. I had and have regular visitations by people who have died. Many times, in my early twenties, I would be in a social situation and a deceased astral being would communicate through me. Often, I was saying things that did not make sense to me but made sense to someone else. I had to learn to handle this state of being. That meant, I had to meditate and handle being in control of my own mind, my thoughts as well as feelings and emotions. It was overwhelming to hear, see and feel spirits. Yet, learning to discipline my self and will power enabled me to handle my abilities throughout the rest of my adult life.

H0wever, because of being ultra sensitive, extrasensitive, I had always written in journals since high school. Though I do not keep those journals over time, I began typing them out to write books. I see visions which are color and three dimensional. I hear voices – male and female. In the astral, I have conversations with astral beings. I have been waking people up in the astral since I was in college. I began training groups in the mid-1990s.

I often say, as many psychics say, “It is a blessing and a curse.” Not everyone can handle the extrasensory experiences. Many people escape in many ways-drugs and religion even science. Keeping their minds busy, they avoid and ignore their own extrasensory senses. However, when I was a child my mother used to say, “If you do not pay attention and listen to your guidance, bad things will happen.” Sure enough, bad things happened. I almost tied more than once before I let go of avoiding and ignoring my guidance. I became a teacher because of the importance of extrasensory perception and experience is of great value, even actually our survival depends upon our senses and extrasensory senses. I would not be alive without them today. Neither would a lot of people, many I know as I have saved their lives whether they know it or not. I am not bragging. People need to learn that these gifts are real, valuable and can save lives.






I have been meditating on releasing, all of my own ideals of perfection within my being which create an emotional psychic push pull so that I can actually experience feeling vulnerable of feeling open and emotionally sensory available in order to flow with you freely to release the push pull. I have been working on deep core unconditional love for you so that you have total freedom.

I  have felt heart pain and directly have been shifting and changing around release of attachment to my own fears of abandonment, loss and rejection from the Beloved. I am aligning with my Beloved yet I have also been flailing and struggling through this process of expanding my heart in awareness that we both actually need unconditional love to grow emotionally, psychically, spiritually and freely.  This psychic emotional process opened me to greater acceptance of my deep core emotions and psychic experiences in order to share expressions which from the Point of Light view are Primal Urges, Deep Core Desires from the depths of my Soul. These Primal Urges giving rise to Deep Needs, Deep Desires, Burning Desire to Co-Create and Destroy Self towards a Combustive Unity. The Desire so Deeply within the Soul to Burn through Separation from Source as Beloved.

I have been breaking out of the deep core expectations of my own obsessive and possessive needs which have been touched by the Beloved.

I understand exactly what you mean, have been feeling everything you are saying and been shifting in all ways to grow with you. Even to the point that I also love you regardless. I am not going to throw you to the wolves. I love you beyond that response. I have reached deeper levels of unconditional love for you.

The love we have opened to desire created a constancy of needs to be fulfilled. I opened to breaking through this need to accept a more pure love. As you were shifting and changing I opened to release my emotional possessive desires to need and want you to be with me obsessively to allowing my heart to love you while releasing the pain of fear that your freedom to be who, what, where, when, why you are is and does not reflect your love for me at any point in time and space.


I have been meditating in Light, opening my Heart to Purer States of Light because we both are on accepting our Light as a Path to Ultimate Freedom and that also includes a Spiritual Intimacy which although you may wish to release me, in the All Is One, we are both aware of our Soul Beings in Light.


As such, I have been meditating on that Pure Love from Light which neither of us controls.


I have also been meditating on our friendship. We bypassed that. And that is actually necessary as we both have too much to share and learn from each other as souls.


Before, I was throwing you away like a lover who had no real use. And, I was reacting. I actually always work to deepen all of my relations except when someone has need to abuse and use me. I opened up to accept that and release it, a few weeks ago. I can and do grow emotionally. Meditating on friendship past few weeks, seeing we both need that spiritual friendship as well as human friendship to open to being whole and complete as humans having spiritual experience.


This is that dual life I used to live. My Romantic life and Spiritual life was in duality.


I know we both have lived this duality. Both of us divided our focus in relationships wherein we had our personal relationship issues and our personal psychic and spiritual issues. This duality created such a divide that no matter how much love we give we are never received. And, I felt we both were working through this core soul wounding of separation and division toward a sense of complete unity.


I know we both have lived this duality. Both of us divided our focus in relationships wherein we had our personal relationship issues and our personal psychic and spiritual issues. This duality created such a divide that no matter how much love we give we are never received. And, I felt we both were working through this core soul wounding of separation and division toward a sense of complete unity.


My graduation dream within past few weeks:

I graduated from Desire Realm Love to entirely Pure Love.


I realized Perfectionism to Perfect Love and Devotion beyond Idealism. I feel as free to feel Live and Love without limitation, no need for expectation, validation, permission to experience Being Love and Loved.


Notes: The Finally Touch to the Seven Modes of Relationship: Love and Beloved

“Few recognize the enormous power of relationship as a vehicle for mutual healing— physical, emotional and spiritual. Or the power of the “true heart” to awaken us from the emotional trance that relationships sometimes induce. Or the possibilities of seeing our beloved as “the Beloved.” Levine, Stephen; Levine, Ondrea (2010-06-05). Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening . Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.

Soul Retrieval… when love takes you to the depths of pain, risking being caught within the pain… Healing is hard to do… we go into pain we might otherwise never enter… But…


How deep is your love?

Have you heard about the family tragedies?
Have you heard about the broken hearts?
Have you heard about the broken dreams?
Have you heard about the emotional pain?
Have you heard about the physical pain?
Have you heard about the psychical pain?
Have you heard about the spiritual pain?
Have you felt that pain your heard about?
Have you cried with about pain together?
Have you shared your pain about the pain?

How deep is your love?

Are you willing to go into your lover’s dreams?
Are you willing to go into your lover’s nightmare?
Are you willing to face the her demons with her?
Are you willing to face the truth of her angels?
How deep is your love?

What is Soul Retrieval?

Soul Retrieval is the ability to enter a state of trance and transfer one’s conscious awareness to the soul memory of another person or animal. This prehistoric practice requires the knowledge given by spirit guides throughout the evolution of human conscious awareness.

An example of a Soul Retrieval

A female, age about fifty, client lays on a message table, I enter a state of trance. Once in trance, I am in a bathroom watching a male, age around thirty, wrapped in a towel and brushing his teeth. He is somewhat chubby, somewhat short black hair and looks like he is somewhat Italian. I come out of trance, discuss everything I saw, that the client immediately recognized the man and scene as being her husband at the time and place they were married. This simple recognition triggers her memories to release trauma about that relationship. Releasing that trauma about the relationship allows the client to process on her own–no counseling.

Another client who was a nurse, roughly fifty years old, I describe an umbilical chord to her. I see her as a twin birthed baby. That makes no sense to her. About a year or so later, a woman comes to me at an event where I am speaking as a presenter. She asks me, “Do you recognize me?” I am usually very good with faces since memory work is required to do psychic work. I cannot place her. She explains to me that after the healing, she discovered that she did have a twin at birth. She began losing over 50 pounds without dieting.

I could go on and on but chose very simple examples. I brought up the movie What Dreams May Come because that is an example of Soul Retrieval after a loved one dies. I highly recommend the movie.

In part, when we enter a one to one relationship with a partner, we are engaging in a soul merging process which has some elements of Soul Retrieval naturally embedded into the soul mate relationship. The elements of memories surfacing, painful and non-painful, empathy, sympathy, and hopefully deep core emotional bonding and communication. Those basic elements.

Other elements of Soul Retrieval inside of relationship is the psychic bonding such as mutual dreaming, extra-sensory communications such as telepathy, seeing visions and hearing voices of a loved one in trouble, or cheating and lying.

Soul Retrieval is the most ancient and natural form of the healing arts. Every indigenous peoples on the planet performed Soul Retrieval as it is the most innate psychic ability which we possess as humans–the ability to enter our dreams with our loved ones and seek out their soul memories to retrieve lost, fragmented and traumatized memories to the peace and light.

What Dreams May Come is an example of Soul Retrieval. Robin Williams plays the grieving husband and father who loses his family in a traumatic car accident. I highly recommend watching this film more than a few times.

Plot: Robin Williams’s character’ family dies in a tragic car accident. While grieving, Williams places his focus on a painting that his wife had been working on before her death. His memories begin to emerge, reliving important memories between him and his wife, and kids. While contemplating the incomplete art piece, a large oil painting, Williams finds himself entering the painting itself. Inside the dream of being in the painting, Williams is met by a familiar face. That familiar face takes him on a tour. During the tour of dreaming within the painting, the painted world becomes more real vs. imaginary. As the dream becomes more real, Williams begins to have memories of his wife and kids. As the memories unfold, the tour guide takes him to a realm where his wife is stuck in misery, a personal hell realm. Williams reconnects with his wife, aids her escape from eternal misery and is guided by the tour guide to take her to the light of heaven where he meets angels and discovers his spiritual core being.
That is what happens when:

A.) One enters into a trance or dream state
B.) While in trance or dream state meets spirit guides
C.) One or more spirit guides give the sojourner a tour
D.) Spirit guide(s) guide person to a loved one
E.) The loved one communicates with the sojourner
F.) The messages from the loved one are retrieved
G.) Sojourner returns from trance/dream with messages
H.) The message unlocks hidden/secret healing details
I.) The hidden secrets reveal healing to release fear, anxiety
J.) The physical and emotional body respond with pain
K.) When the pain is released, the body is triggered to heal
L.) The genetic DNA/RNA automatically release healing processes
M.) Unless loved one is deceased they will be brought to the light

These are our innate impulses from our own soul core beings. Over time, we learned to ignore these impulses through indoctrination of religion, giving our natural power to a central authority figure. In my tribal origins, the children are initiated at the age of two years old to meet with the ancestral spirit guides. Spirit guide training is processed throughout childhood in a fun and imaginative format. Children are given strict codes of conduct and yet given a free reign of imagination within those guide lines. This orientation exists within existing indigenous peoples on the planet yet are becoming extinct which is why I am writing this for you.


1) Family
2) Loved Ones
3) Soul mates

Soul mate relationships will trigger the deepest core memories of the soul. Partnering up with a soul mate will cause the dreaming memories to merge whether either one or both partners are aware of this process. If one or both partners are unaware, the triggers will release pain and suffering to degrees that one and eventually both partners will be aggravated and irritated and intimacy will become a major problem, eventually leading to abuse of self or the beloved partner. In other words, one or both partners may retreat by alcohol or become verbally and physically violent. At that stage, both partners are battling for their own survival issues.

If only one partner is able to enter into dreaming state with the other partner, there is chance that the relationship may be retrievable. Ethically, this also requires intimacy between partners and doing a Soul Retrieval against the will of the soul mate is a transgression, a violation of spiritual freedom of will. Although when it occurs naturally, one partner may begin to experience dreaming with the other partner and be led to understand deeper metaphorical memory based information. In order for the healing to unfold, learning how to share the dream information becomes necessary. This sharing leads to deeper intimacy and requires both partners to become aware of the vulnerability of both partners as they enter into deep stages of soul growth. When this level is reached, the internal guidance of the mutual partnership begin to merge.

This merging process, all soul mates feel at some point and are aware of how it feels. However, the deeper the merging, the more each partner will feel shifts in vulnerability and feel as if each is losing her sense of being a self to the relationship. That is when there are trust issues which come up as each partner must sacrifice a certain amount of guarding the sense of being a separate self. A committed relationship will go through stages of learning how to trust each other by sharing deeper layers of intimacy. Accepting the psychic bonding, releasing fears of loss such as in fear the partner will become sick or wounded and die will be a constant process of letting go to the life and death processing of being soul in a human body–basically the meaning of the vows of marriage, through sickness and in health, until death do us part. When one of the partners parts, there will be a grieving process which also opens the living soul mate to experience the transition of the deceased soul mate evolve back the spirit realms. If both soul mates have evolved, there will be a time period which is opened for soul mates to be able to communicate between the physical and non-physical. This is a natural healing process of grieving to give the living soul mate the will to live with the knowledge of the spiritual realms in memory.

Again, What Dreams May Come is a good depiction of the stages of Soul Retrieval. Watch it more than once, more than a few times if you can or must. You can get the feel for the transitions of conscious awareness so that they become more clear to your mind.

Best Wishes,