Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

About Jed Heart

My first Near Death Experience was in Oct 1969. My mother was 8 months pregnant with my first sibling, my first brother. I was two and a half. A drunk driver ran a red light and hit the side of the car. My mother remembered a dream she had a few months before the accident while the car accident was occuring. In her dream, I died in the accident. In my memories, I died. I was told that if I died, my mother and brother would die. My mom was in a coma for a few days. I lost my left ear but they sewed it back on. I also have a scar that is finally invisibe.
I have never been afraid of death. I have always been able to astral travel. I had spirit guides from childhood on. I wanted to die. I told all of my high school friends I was going to die in a car accident at age nineteen. I was in a car accident as a passenger and I almost broke my neck. Instead, I had to live. Then, I had join the military. I was injured before being sent to Officer School. I had a majory bone reconstruction surgery and woke while under the knife. I was very upset with the doctors as I almost died. I was telling them off but they could not hear me. I had pneumonia after surgery because I had an allergic and asthmatic reaction to the anesthesia.
After nearly dying more than once while in various surgeries, finally one Anesthesiologist told me, “The longest part of the surgery was getting you to breathe.” I can go to the Light at any time as it became my so called gift. But for all the yearsHeal the World by Healing My Heart Meme test 01 I was afraid of what it meant, what people would think, say and do I had to learn to handle that I am 1) not going to die, 2) not going to not be who I am for what I see, hear, do and know.
The hardest part about dying is leaving loved ones behind. I was shown in my Life Reviews what it would feel like if I left before my time. When you can feel their pain but they cannot feel you, that is the hardest part. That is why I am alive. I live for those who need my love.

My Egyptian Past Life is active again. I have this all of my life since my childhood. Either I became possessed by Tutankhamen or whatever. Last week the vision I had was intense.

I often feel I have been a Pharaoh in Egypt. One woman I dated for only one night in college, circa 1991/2, told me that she saw my face change, looking like the face of the Tutankhamen. In 1980s, I had telepathy, mutual dreams and merged into the Light with my first female partner of 6 years. We have always been telepathic, even after we broke up in 1989. In 2003, I woke being initiated on a stone slab, surrounded by a small group of people and a man with a Staff. He pointed the Staff at my body. White Light came through it like Lightening. My astral body floated above my body while I released thousands of lifetimes.

In 2002, I was invited to attend a small circle of scientists for a presentation given by a visiting Physicist from Jordan. He is a Drew Sufi. After his presentation about the Whirling Dervishes, I met with him. He told me that when I met my Twin Soul, I would travel to the Middle East with my Light Teachings, effectively ending the Ancient Religious Wars. This of course was hard to believe though astounding, humbling and unimaginable all at once. About that time, I met Wallis Budge and his wife in my astral experiences. I was tasked by contract, given a long contract in which I was to retrieve the Ancient Egyptian Teachings of Time Travel. By the end of 2003, I began having experiences of being an Egyptian Priest. I awoke being initiated to release thousands of lifetimes prior to my Egyptian life. I felt as if I was struck by Lightning. I have written elsewhere about the pain I felt, not being able to life myself out of bed with out by my assistant.

In summer 2004, a married woman chased me and asked me to marry her. That day, I was in car not for an affair, she was a client only. However, she picked me up that day. When we are were on the freeway, my astral hand was holding hers so physically palpable. I looked down at my lap and both hands were on me not holding her hand as I felt. I said nothing as I knew that she was attracted to me, and I was not breaking client healer boundaries. However, after the healing, she looked at me and said, after we were downstairs, “I am seeing your as a Pharaoh.” She listed other Past Lives beginning with a Caveman moving through time. That is the day, after that healing, she asked me to marry her. It was an intense day but I was speechless. Never the less, that was the second woman who had seen my face change to a Pharaoh.

I believe that our Souls do Divide. I have merged with Past Partners in the Light. My mother and I agree on our lifetime of Soul Experiences. She was the first one to point this out to me. I did not know what to make of that as she had said that when I was in my 20s in the 1990s. However, after several relationships, I began to understand what she meant. I had been experiencing merging with partners into the Light. My experiences are like Near Death Experiences but with partners. I began to formulate that we have Soul Flames we merge with before our final Twin Flame.

Yes, I do believe Souls have Lifetimes and that our Souls grow through stages through Lifetimes of Soul Lessons. At some point, after accumulating Soul Lessons, we complete Soul Maturation and begin to understand the Immortality of our Soul. I am stating this from my experiences of being a Being of Light, given the Summary of my Soul’s Lifetimes, my Soul name and meeting hundreds of Light Beings who are in my Soul Group in 1993. I am stating this from experience, not conjecture, not reading books, not fantasy. My dreams and visions have been tested even by scientists in the field of parapsychology, many years ago.

During the first week of May 2017, I had an intense vision.

May 03, 2017
A vision opened up to me. I saw a long corridor where hundreds of men were using some kind of hand tools to break up the sides of the rock walls. It was like they were building a corridor. I could see the sun at the end of the long corridor.

All of the men bowed in front of me. I could see the back of the heads who I felt as my self and partner as if we are King and Queen in some ancient dynasty.
May 08, 2017
During the past week, I had an intense vision. A close friend sent me some images she found that fit the description of my vision. I was amazed. I had never seen those images before the last few days.

That vision opened me to the potential of your power as a soul. I was opening to what it could mean if you opened to you power the way I am open to mine. I never told anyone what I saw precisely to anyone but one close friend. I saw us both emanating Luminous Light while the workers working were entirely normal human. The workers all laid down, face forward, prostrating on the ground as in worship and honor. There was a long corridor and there was Light at the end. That means to me that the Light Beings were giving me this 3 dimensional, full color, vivid, life like vision of a scene in a past life. I was in awe and shock.

My shock opened me to meditate further on the meaning. Am I almost there? Is this the One? If not then who is the One? Uncertainty is a quandary, I am experiencing.



Yoga means Yoke, Union. Union between self with Source; Union in Heart, Thought, Deed; Union between Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit–mental, emotional, physical, sexual, spiritual. Surrendering Self to Source is our Yoga. Love is Yoga. Light is Yoga.

All That Is is Yoga.

For decades, I maintained my private life wherein I experienced amazing spiritual experiences within intimate, romantic relationship. I had planned to release my knowledge when I was an elder, beyond range of feeling a need to protect my intimate privacy. However, it became clear: spiritual practitioners around the world would benefit from sharing my knowledge of Being in Love while experiencing Being Light.

It began as a realization that I needed to bridge toe gap between my spiritual practice, experience and knowledge with my own relation status. I felt I had reached the end of karmic soul relationship. Yet, being amongst other spiritual people, I was not romantically attracted. I began to explore the divide inside my self-my soul.
My process of opening to the Light, asking to be guided opened me to discover the depths of my soul, emotional patterns and blocks, mental patterns and limits of perception to realize the meaning of love in all my variations of compassion and passion.

My experiences of opening Heart Light to expand my sense of self beyond boundary, opened to feel safe, secure and trust my process of sharing the Light Lessons of my Soul.

My Luminous Light Being, beyond space and time is Omniscient and Omnipresent. As a Being of Light, my experience of being is not bound but infinitely bound in a Luminous Light. It feels like a contradiction to be Light and be Human. Yet, the Continuum of Perception is non-linear. We are Both and Neither in a momentary lapse of becoming. At one moment we sense separation. At another, we sense union. As we stop our thoughts, we may glimpse the rhythm of movement-energy.

To Awaken to Being is Natural. It is Eternal and Eternally our Sacred Union with Source. Soul mates, Soul Flames, Twin Flames are all variations of the Source reflecting Source. Soul mates are primarily working on being human. Soul Flames are primarily Awakening Each Other. Twin Flames are partial Awakened.

I believe a Soul mate couple can move through stages of Awakening. But such a couple are born Advanced. Civilization has not allowed Awakened beings to feel and live safely due to thousands of years of Holy Ears. Awakened Children would be exterminated at young ages. Very few tribal groups retained their Ancestral Light Knowledge. If those, there are blood lineages on every continent. Over the last hundred years, emissaries from blood lineages engaged in seeking each other in sacred and secret ceremonies and rituals. Our modern movement of Light Beings has been an underground movement until we reached world Mass Awareness. The alignment of ancestral, mystical and metaphysical teachings is allowing is to bridge the Light Realms of our Luminous Beings with our Human nature.

In order to bridge this gap, between our ancestral heritage as Beings of Light, we must accept the spiritual communion in All Our Relations. The Profane must become Sacred. Union of Light and Dark, the awareness of Yin Yang.
The four ancient meanings of Yin Yang: we are eternal opposites; we are eternally becoming our opposite; our opposite resides within us; our opposites eternally transform us. Our relationships continue to transform us, evolving and revolving, never separating us from Source. Our process we are Yoked to Yin Yang is called Yoga.

Guided by Light

Jed Heart is a continuum of Light Body Teachings which evolved throughout my lifetime. Jed is short for Jedhi which comes from the ancient Egyptian word Djed from the Book of the Papyrus of Ani first translated by E. A. Budge and published as The Book of the Dead. This work acknowledges all of the Indigenous Peoples of the world-past, present and future.

In December 2003, I began to dream about Egypt. One of my dreams, I met E. A. Budge and his partner. I was given a contract to travel back into the past to retrieve ancient knowledge about space and time travel. I had been initiated by my own grandfather into ancient tribal pratices of astral travel and lucid dreaming by my another elder in my family. I had been astral traveling since I was two years old which I can remember. I had spirit guides throughout my childhood. I had several guides through time. In the first few months of 2004, I began to have dream memories of being initiated into an ancient knowledge of Light Beings. I experienced that initiation as being struck by a powerful light which felt as if I was struck by lightning, a force of nature. From that experience began other experiences which led me on a journey to discover other souls who were also recovering memories from ancient temples and lifetmes in Egypt. I was guided to a book in a used book store which I found and revealed the meaning of Djed-the Pillar of Light, the Immortal Light of the Soul.

In 2005, one of my close spiritual friends had the vision that I would network with women around the world to coordinate Light Beings in an international network. Over time, I wrote several articles which were written anonymously yet posted freely on the internet. From that time, I have had the pleasure of connecting with spiritual souls who awakened to the intention of awakening other Light Beings on the path to remembering Oneness within Source.

I am not the only soul who is being guided by Light, here or on this planet. I know that other souls are often afraid of opening up about this experience. The world religions and skeptics often offer up personal attacks, criticism and judgment. However, there is plenty of scientific evidence which has been accumulated for over one hundred years. I will not debate with anyone who has not done their homework.  I will spiritually support souls who have done their homework with all of the will power of my being. World religions and skeptics are often the first to attack any woman, any one, who has experiences with the Light. To scare people, the story of Lucifer as the Light Being who went up against God was created to prevent people from accessing their own Light using fear tactics. When that was not working, the fear mongers used science. Science originated from spiritual practices. Yet, the world does not know that because science over time divorced themselves from their history.

The Light is not light like the sun or moon. The Light can be seen externally yet the essence of the Light is soft and has a consistently which floats in the atmosphere. It is more gaseous or ethereal than the spectrum of light. You can feel the Light as well as see it. The senses we use to attune to the light are no our eyes and yet we can see it. It is like the sense of smell. We cannot see what we smell in the air but we do indeed smell it. We have a sense which senses the Light. No scientist can discover it because it is a rare scientist who can sense it. And, when a scientist can sense it, they would need a grant study to afford to design and build equipment which could sense it to measure it. We live in a world where there is no money going towards our spiritual evolution. The forces of controlling the world by chaos-fear and anxiety are too invested in creating pain and suffering. That leaves those of us who can sense the Light as the means of sharing how we sense and feel with others so that souls on our planet do not lose this sense from our ancient memories.

When I can let go of my sense of being my self as a person, I can collapse into a tiny point of Light. As a point of Light, the I that I am can travel through space, time and space and time. I mean, I can shift my perceptive point of Light from my physical body orientation to orient my spark of Light to see outside of myself, pass through walls, travel to other spaces, places. And, in time, I can pass through time into the past and into the future. In time and space, I can do both at the same time. I can travel from my personal sense of being a self to the impersonal sense of being someone else. I.e.; I can have other people’s memories. The first time I experienced seeing a Being of Light was when I was a baby. As an adult in my mid-twenties, I experienced myself as  a Being of Light. In Light Realms, I was given my Light Body Name and Soul Purpose. From the experiences as a Being of Light, teachings from Light Beings,I have been working towards opening the Light to those who are guided to me.

Jed Heart has no interest in followers, worshippers nor following any religion. Experience and scientific methodology has always been my spiritual path and practice. Light Beings who are drawn to Jed Heart are evolving toward discovering the means by which we enter our Light Beings through releasing deep core soul memories and shifting into accepting our soul memories of Being in the Light, Being Beings of Light, being among Beings of Light, our Soul Groups. Jed Heart is guide to the way to being One with Source, one of the many ways never the less one a lucid and powerful means of direct connection with Source through opening the Light of the soul-the Djed.
