Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

Light Beings

Light Beings have been described since ancient civilization. Ancient mythologies, religions, prophets and mystics refer to Angels who appear with Light emanating from them. Light Beings are experienced most often when people report Near Death Experiences. In the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the light is mentioned as part of preparation practices such as prayers for the dying and dead to be carried to the Other Side of life into the experience of death and beyond. The study of Light Beings has been carried on for ages although there are references in several mystical and religious traditions, the awareness and understanding of Light Beings is an experiential knowledge. In this work, Light Beings are presented from the experience of the author(s). Jedhi is describing Light Beings from personal knowledge as well as comparing and contrasting those experiences with ancient and modern knowledge. This work is meant for those who are expanding their awareness of their own journey of exploring their own Light Beings, becoming aware of being a Being of Light.

Beings of Light are not like dreams. Dreams are realms of imagination which the Light Beings create to communicate with our human intelligence, giving us expanded awareness and knowledge which we can use as a basis of creating the world we share in community. Those who have prepared themselves by meditation, prayer, waking in dreams, studying world religions or shamanism as well as modern anthropology, mythology and psychology as well an any path which leads one to explore one’s own perceptions, memories, soul and spiritual awareness, beliefs and understanding may enter the awareness of a presence in their own soul life which leads them to become aware of being a Being of Light. The path to Light Beings is not regulated by a certain group of people, a cult or school of thought, a religion. Light Beings create the path of the soul to discover their own Light. Guidance in discovery is merely a means of sharing the awareness and way to discovery. Like all journeys, discovery is the personal journey of the seeker.

In all mythologies and religious stories, there is a quest to seek the truth. The truth is that we must seek the truth at all times. One truth for one question is not the same truth for another question. The quest for truth must always be a means to seek a truth which is solves the dilemma in mind. Seeking the Light is the quest to seek the Light of the Soul. The soul is a vast. Each soul is unique. Being unique, the truths will be unique for various questions. Presently, the knowledge about Light Beings is limited to those who experience being in the Light, being met by Light Beings, and experiencing being made of Light.

Although this work will present and discuss ancient symbols and knowledge that has been passed through the ages those are meant as signs along the path. Just as you make a quest to go somewhere on any road, you may use a map, follow road signs, look for signs which designate places you wish to stop and peruse such as a destination on a vacation. Ancient symbols are road signs. They are meant to lead us through our life journey with awareness and knowledge of the passing of our lifetimes, the meaning of our passing through life, and the meaning we carry into our death, passing our knowledge for generations to come and learn from our life lessons.

In this work, the intention is to pass on both personal knowledge, knowledge of personal experiences of other people, knowledge from sources which may be from academia, myth, legend, religion and other stories which are authentic not fantasy. The intent is to isolate signs which lead the seeker through the experiences of gaining personal enlightenment. Light is an operative word it the term enlightenment. Enlightenment is not about thinking thoughts. Enlightenment is not about ideas and concepts. Enlightenment is an experience of perception which occurs when our human senses become aware of our experiences of Light and connection to the world around us which can be perceived as a Luminescence. In other words, when we open our human sensing to the sensing of Light as a Source of being, we begin to experience our world as Luminescent. We are awakened to the Life Force, the Source of Life energy around us. This actual experience awakens us to life being a Living Dream.

The Living Dream is the fairy tale we refer to as our lifetime. We live through many fairy tales. Our personal life is one story after another. We can retell those stories and the stories can change over time. We can learn from our personal stories. Yet, more than that, the sense of magic, mystery, the sense of being real and living life for the sense of feeling and experiencing all that life offers to us, sensing the animals and plants around us, sensing other humans, sensing the movement of energy, flows of the forces of nature, feeling at One with All There Is, the Oneness of Creation, that is the experience of the Living Dream. The world has meaning, our relationships have meaning, our memories have meaning.

From my own experience of being a Light Being, the experience of Light, experience of being a Light Being enlightens my awareness  to my  soul, the memories and knowledge of lifetimes and dreams. Being a Light Being, that experience of being within the Light as a Being of Light unlocks and unleashes the meaning of the lessons my Light Being experiences and gains knowledge from over the course of lifetimes. Light Beings co-create experiences for us as humans to learn to apply to our accumulation of soul lessons. As we begin to experience our selves as beings who are aware of our souls becoming aware of our Light as Light Beings, we begin to learn who we are at the core of our soul beings. Life does not have to end with the discovery of our Light. Life can begin anew with the fresh insights gained as if we are reborn. The experience of the Light allows us to refresh our life memories from our Source. We can then heal old wounds, let go of old lesson plans, open our souls to new experiences and live life with a love for experiencing the vast creativity of creation, even becoming co-creators in our world.

