Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

Monthly Archives: July 2016

I attended the Psychic Expo in the eastern coastal town of Austrailia this weekend. This was an ultra powerful and healing event for me. In the world of Mediumship, my natural abilities are termed Physical Medium. In their world, I am a rare breed, known to hide and be hidden since the days of Witch Acts and Hunts for hundreds of years. It is well known that we who are Physical Mediums, the scientists refer to us as Psychokinetic in the recent decades and Telekinetic in the earlier period of Parapsychology research in the 1800s to early 1900s.

Before I was born, before my mother met my father, my Great Aunt had a dream that a “Powerful baby Witch would be born in our family.” That was some months before my parents met, conceived me and I was born within a year later. So, I had have been called a witch by both my parents. Of course, I did not think I was different from other children. I never discussed it until my first relationship which began at age sixteen. Being she also had mutual dreams with her sister and mother, as well as being part Native American, it was normal to her like it was to me. So, for the duration of close friendship, partnership and the friendship we maintained after breaking up, we both shared our psychic experiences. I happened to be more psychic. That is that I had visions, voices and dreams as well as being psychokinetic. And, as I grew into my self, I became an anonomoly.

Being with partners became more and more difficult as more Physical Psychic Phenomenon occured and became more apparent. At this event, there were many Mediums giving general public displays of their abilities. In the USA, Mediums are more rare in public. That is because of the Witches Act of the 1700s that was repealed as late as 1949. That was when it became illegal to persectute and hang witches by Federal Law. That means, all wo/men who were psychic and had those abilities were subjected to prosecution, persecution, threats, attacks, and possibly death the year my own mother was still in the womb. Being from two families who are psychic, it meant that being psychic, knowing that caused secrecy and various forms of coping skills. Speaking about psychic events was phrased in various ways in my family. I grew up under this shroud of secrecy and protection.

When I attended college, after my first relationship ended in 1990, opening with friends, I discovered that I was different. That is when I discovered that I could manifest Astral Light and at a Distance. That is I could manifest as an Astral being in another town, over 20 miles away. And, I could manifest Astral Light at the same time. My friends were freaking out on me. The only one who was not freaked out, asked me to heal her. I was afraid of my power. The only time someone has requested a healing, the first time, and she went ahead and committed suicide. That effected me intensley. I realized that I had the power to heal another soul in the astral and I could in fact prevent a death.

I had prevented the death of her best friend whom I had dated. I had interrupted two car accidents at a distance. I felt the impending death looming, and then I isolated myself in meditation and protected my soul mate from a potential mistep that would have caused her death. That was verified when I ran into her a few days later the first time. She told me exactly what happened. The second time, she let me know in a dream. I travelled three hours to visit her after not seeing her for a year or more. She validated that as well. Since that time, I have saved a few lives and changed many. All of them were by request either in the astral. From very strict training througout childhood, then with a few professional psychics beginng at age sixteen, I was trained to have a high moral ethic with my psychic abilties.

In soul mate relationships, it is very difficult because a physical person may not know that their own soul is requesting a healing by visiting me in the astral. Over the years, my abilities have shifted and evolved. And, that has shifted me towards being more and more clear about my journey through life. I have often fought with my own abilities to control them. It is as if I am continually accepting that my abilities must be managed with diligence, honor, respect and will power. Because of my own integrity, I am often quite serious. Then, I will let the steam off and be quite opposite, jesting and joking about serious issues because my life has been filled with life vs death scenarios. My main work has been Going to the Light and Taking Beings to the Light. So, a lot of my own work has been in preparation for entering the Light through Death or Guiding others to Experiene the Light as in a Near Death or Rebirth Experience.

In my own life, my spiritual nature, my guidance, my Being of Light has been prompting me to move back toward being a Professional Psychic again. And, although I have worked in healing for years, since my twenties, my spectrum of abilities have been focussed on the Death and Rebirth experiences which occur under my abilties referred as Physical Mediumship in the Spiritual Churches around the world. My own ancestors in the Philippines were elders of the first Christian Espiritista Church of the Philippines in the early 1900 around the turn of the century. I am known in the Phlippines as a Psychic Surgeon. I am a blood line lineage holder. But not many people get to meet us because of the old Witches Acts which made it illegal for us to practice legally in many countries around the world. There are only a few safe places where we can travel and do our spiritual work.

For that reason, I did not know how to cope with this issue of people being in fear of me as a spiritual person. For these various reasons, I myself had been challenged to accept that my life is filled with restrictions. As an astral being, I can travel any where, any time, and I am free. As a person, my abilities of astral travel are feared in various arenas of life. People who fear me and people like me would rather see us dead. That is no understatement. I have tried to reveal many things about myself in order to share as much about being telepathic, telekinetic, psychic, psychokinetic, extra sensory sensitive, extra sensory perceptive because I know that others like me live in fear. Living in fear is like living as a prisoner in society. I have been working my entire lifetime to end this persecution of Witches–every kind of Witch.

I have been moving through a lot of intense fear, fear of my own power, fear of fear, fear of not wanting to live in this physical life. I have never been afraid of death. Death is pure freedom for me as an astral being. Life is the challenge. I did not feel that I could survive through it without a partner. I felt that I had needed a partner to soften the blow by blow of harsh reality of people who are intent on creating a division between their own fear of people who are spiritual, aware and intentionally living life vs. their fear of God, the Devil, Satan, Aliens, Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders, Black People, People of Color. Demonizing other people creates a world on the verge of living hell for those Demonized. Being psychic is the ultimate fear.

The fact that I can see visions, hear voices, dream of other people’s pasts and futures, make choices based on my awareness vs being in unknown probable uncertainty is their ultimate fear. I had avoided and been afraid of going to the United Kingdom for years. In college, when I experienced being burned at the stake as a Witch, I faced extreme pain and fear. Yet, I felt that as time was passing, becoming more and more psychic, the United Kingdom would cause me to see more ghosts in one place than ever before. On the one hand, I dreaded that. On the other hand, I knew that the Spiritual Churches in Great Brittain is the safest place for a Physical Medium like myself. This past weekend, I found that I have been correct about that and that some of them travel to Australia.

Being a nation under the Queen, they are naturally endowed with Spiritual Churches based on the same roots of the ones in Brittain. So, it is a safe haven for a Physical Medium like my self. And, I found that out this weekend. As for good news, I had been formulating what my Perfect Partner would be like. I knew she had to understand me as a Spiritual Being. And, I knew she had to understand her own self. I knew her psyche had to match mine. And, I knew that all my partners of past had various degrees of being psychic. However, none of them desired to become professional though they all manage their own spiritual life in ways that they can cope. Some of them are very supportive of me. One former partner told me the other day, “If I had your skills, I would be manifesting a lot of money. I would be wealthy.” That is true if she were manifesting what I can. At one point, I could manifest money with out worries. Then, I had my Near Death Experiences and Life Reviews. I was not using my abilties and skills in the highest good. I was using them for my self and partner. And, that partner, my first long term partner, does well with money. That was her path. Mine was to become a healer and spiritual teacher.

I have had set backs with income because my soul evolves in ways that challenge other people to understand who I am and what I can do in relationship to how I can serve them. Their limits placed limits on my income. In my past lives, in ancient pasts, I have been very successful. My skills in ancient times were in demand. Only until the Witch Persections and Witch Hunt did souls like my self become feared and dreaded to the point of death penalties. So, this life has been a challenge. To be honored and respected, I have fought various battles on various battle fronts. And, those I fought not just for my soul. I fought them for all the souls who evolve with mine. I have turned down scienfic grants to have my work catagorized as elite information for the elite echalons. I grew up in a Nuclear Submrine base where my Great Aunt, one of my spiritual mentors, a Spiritualist and 33rd Mason forecasted my birth from her dreams within months before my parents met each other and soon conceiving of me.

So, before I was a twinkle in my father’s eye, it was already ordained by fate and destiny that I would be born “a Powerful Witch.” And, as fortune has it, I recalled choosing my own mother as a Point of Light. So, my life has been filled with awareness of intention and consequences of knowledge. None of which I could escape by excuses. All of which came back through to me through my Life Reviews as well as dreams, visions and voices during my childhood and life. There has been no escape from being and feeling responsible for seeing the past and future fo me. There has only been an ongoing guidance of following a path set out by fate and ultimately destiny. Granted I have had visions and voices guide me. Those gifts seemed like curses at various times. Choice, choosing fates has always been one chore after another. Evolving rapidly to match the evolution of other souls who would and do need me as a soul to share my awareness and knowledge has been an ultimate challenge. When the world grows, I grow. I have no choice other than to choose how I manage my emotions and communicate with others.

So, this weekend, I learned that other Mediums are aware of my spectrum of abilities. Those who are involved within these realms of social circles are aware of those of us who have been hiding for the reasons we have hidden these abilities. And, now that I have risked stepping out of the closet and into the arena with other souls who can both gain from me and open me to being with others like me, I am thrilled to have crossed this void from being afraid to show myself and share to being able and willing to come out and be with other Psychics and Mediums again.

This is the beginning of a new stage of life for me, again but one that is setting my path in alignment with souls across the globe. I do mean across the globe. Over a decade ago, I was told that there are over 3 million members of the Espiritista Church of the Philippines. That is just the Philippines. That does not count Europe, Australia, all the Americas-North, Central and South America as well as nations around the world who have affiliated Spiritual Churches. As you can imagine, being called a Witch, I would be reticent to set foot in any Church. Albeit the Espiritistas of the Philippines was created to maintain my ancestral heritage so that it was never be erased from history. And, that means that I am facing the fact that though I have been called a Witch, a Witch Doctor and many other names, I fully embody and embrace Indigenous Spiritual Cultures of all Primal Ancestral Beings on the Planet. I am multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-dimensional as a Spiritual Being. Time Space is not divisible in Spirit.

We all can embody and embrace our layers of soul experiences. And, that is the goal of the spiritual paths those of us on it are facing within our souls, our minds, our bodies to express at this time from cultures around the world. I believe that those of us who are done with labels which dishonor, disrespect and disregard as spiritual souls having a human experiene, we are coming out of the closets on every level we can afford at any moment we can afford to face others who would try to limit us, limit our perceptions of our souls, our selves, our minds, bodies, emotions. We are done. And, now I am beginning to believe the time has come to break through these barriers and free our souls for the planet, for all souls.

I must say that my favorite holiday is of course Halloween and All Souls Day. Oh, and I have met my most powerful partners around Halloween, especially at Halloween parties. Regardless of that happening, All Souls Day is a special holiday to honor and respect all those souls who have passed before us. If you know me, and I am sure that you do on this closed list, the dead are alive and well with me. I have been getting used to my father and nygma buddhist welsh male friend being around me in the astral these past some years since they passed over. My grandmother made herself known at the Canberra Spiritual Church the Sunday before last. My grandmother died on All Souls Day, three years before I was born. I know she was a psychic and healer in her own rights though born Swedish Lutheran then converted to Catholocism. I felt my grandmother had something to do with getting me together with my first partner. Maybe she can help me meet my last one. One can only ask.

So, the biggest realization I have had this past weekend has been about partnership. Yes, I know my own self. And, I knew that I needed a partner who is an equal in my eyes, ears and other senses. I had not taken the term Medium on though I have been guided by spirit guides my entire life since before I learned to speak, I had just had this issue with the word Church. Being a Witch in a Church really had me under a spell of fear and dread all of my life. I have set foot in a Church. Yet, being my real self, sharing my self as a being, I have been reticent, reluctant, resistent. But if I am going to bridge the gap, move beyond my own limits, I have been setting foot into the Spiritual Church as I know that it is a sanctuary for souls like me. I have also always known that I meet my partners on my path, in social circles and we are both guided to each other. Even for some years, I knew that when I came out of my fear of being in a Witch Closet again that the Afterlife, Near Death and Mediumship groups and organizations would be the way for me to move through my path and meet a partner. I had been working my way through my own issues to get there for some years. I just had to release a lot of fear and dread to get there. I am getting there day by day.

This weekend was an immense relief. There are people who can understand some of me, more of me than most unless someone is close to my inner circles. And, of course, to me that also means that a partner is moving closer to me and me to her. I really, really, really want a partner who is also a Physical Medium. I had been meditating on what I need and want for a year now. I began coming into direct focus on my personal needs list after clearing out what I did not want to repeat again for several years. I had a very long list of Never Agains. Now, my short list of needs is so much more tidy and brief. That is the amazing part. I am seeing, sensing that an incoming partner will have the life experience, psychic skills to cope with being with me and if need be, there are other Physical Mediums I can send her to for refresher courses in realizing I am not a Crazy Witch. Yay!!!

My guidance signs and signals will be much more clear now. For this and much more, I am grateful.

Cheers, Love and Light, J.

P.S. Always, I hope that sharing helps others to become more clear about all the issues we face as spiritual beings sharing our souls with others. I hope sharing my journey is helpful.

I attended the Psychic Expo in the eastern coastal town of Austrailia this weekend. This was an ultra powerful and healing event for me. In the world of Mediumship, my natural abilities are termed Physical Medium. In their world, I am a rare breed, known to hide and be hidden since the days of Witch Acts and Hunts for hundreds of years. It is well known that we who are Physical Mediums, the scientists refer to us as Psychokinetic in the recent decades and Telekinetic in the earlier period of Parapsychology research in the 1800s to early 1900s.
Before I was born, before my mother met my father, my Great Aunt had a dream that a “Powerful baby Witch would be born in our family.” That was some months before my parents met, conceived me and I was born within a year later. So, I had have been called a witch by both my parents. Of course, I did not think I was different from other children. I never discussed it until my first relationship which began at age sixteen. Being she also had mutual dreams with her sister and mother, as well as being part Native American, it was normal to her like it was to me. So, for the duration of close friendship, partnership and the friendship we maintained after breaking up, we both shared our psychic experiences. I happened to be more psychic. That is that I had visions, voices and dreams as well as being psychokinetic. And, as I grew into my self, I became an anonomoly.
Being with partners became more and more difficult as more Physical Psychic Phenomenon occured and became more apparent. At this event, there were many Mediums giving general public displays of their abilities. In the USA, Mediums are more rare in public. That is because of the Witches Act of the 1700s that was repealed as late as 1949. That was when it became illegal to persectute and hang witches by Federal Law. That means, all wo/men who were psychic and had those abilities were subjected to prosecution, persecution, threats, attacks, and possibly death the year my own mother was still in the womb. Being from two families who are psychic, it meant that being psychic, knowing that caused secrecy and various forms of coping skills. Speaking about psychic events was phrased in various ways in my family. I grew up under this shroud of secrecy and protection.
When I attended college, after my first relationship ended in 1990, opening with friends, I discovered that I was different. That is when I discovered that I could manifest Astral Light and at a Distance. That is I could manifest as an Astral being in another town, over 20 miles away. And, I could manifest Astral Light at the same time. My friends were freaking out on me. The only one who was not freaked out, asked me to heal her. I was afraid of my power. The only time someone has requested a healing, the first time, and she went ahead and committed suicide. That effected me intensley. I realized that I had the power to heal another soul in the astral and I could in fact prevent a death.
I had prevented the death of her best friend whom I had dated. I had interrupted two car accidents at a distance. I felt the impending death looming, and then I isolated myself in meditation and protected my soul mate from a potential mistep that would have caused her death. That was verified when I ran into her a few days later the first time. She told me exactly what happened. The second time, she let me know in a dream. I travelled three hours to visit her after not seeing her for a year or more. She validated that as well. Since that time, I have saved a few lives and changed many. All of them were by request either in the astral. From very strict training througout childhood, then with a few professional psychics beginng at age sixteen, I was trained to have a high moral ethic with my psychic abilties.
In soul mate relationships, it is very difficult because a physical p
erson may not know that their own soul is requesting a healing by visiting me in the astral. Over the years, my abilities have shifted and evolved. And, that has shifted me towards being more and more clear about my journey through life. I have often fought with my own abilities to control them. It is as if I am continually accepting that my abilities must be managed with diligence, honor, respect and will power. Because of my own integrity, I am often quite serious. Then, I will let the steam off and be quite opposite, jesting and joking about serious issues because my life has been filled with life vs death scenarios. My main work has been Going to the Light and Taking Beings to the Light. So, a lot of my own work has been in preparation for entering the Light through Death or Guiding others to Experiene the Light as in a Near Death or Rebirth Experience.
In my own life, my spiritual nature, my guidance, my Being of Light has been prompting me to move back toward being a Professional Psychic again. And, although I have worked in healing for years, since my twenties, my spectrum of abilities have been focussed on the Death and Rebirth experiences which occur under my abilties referred as Physical Mediumship in the Spiritual Churches around the world. My own ancestors in the Philippines were elders of the first Christian Espiritista Church of the Philippines in the early 1900 around the turn of the century. I am known in the Phlippines as a Psychic Surgeon. I am a blood line lineage holder. But not many people get to meet us because of the old Witches Acts which made it illegal for us to practice legally in many countries around the world. There are only a few safe places where we can travel and do our spiritual work.
For that reason, I did not know how to cope with this issue of people being in fear of me as a spiritual person. For these various reasons, I myself had been challenged to accept that my life is filled with restrictions. As an astral being, I can travel any where, any time, and I am free. As a person, my abilities of astral travel are feared in various arenas of life. People who fear me and people like me would rather see us dead. That is no understatement. I have tried to reveal many things about myself in order to share as much about being telepathic, telekinetic, psychic, psychokinetic, extra sensory sensitive, extra sensory perceptive because I know that others like me live in fear. Living in fear is like living as a prisoner in society. I have been working my entire lifetime to end this persecution of Witches–every kind of Witch.
I have been moving through a lot of intense fear, fear of my own power, fear of fear, fear of not wanting to live in this physical life. I have never been afraid of death. Death is pure freedom for me as an astral being. Life is the challenge. I did not feel that I could survive through it without a partner. I felt that I had needed a partner to soften the blow by blow of harsh reality of people who are intent on creating a division between their own fear of people who are spiritual, aware and intentionally living life vs. their fear of God, the Devil, Satan, Aliens, Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders, Black People, People of Color. Demonizing other people creates a world on the verge of living hell for those Demonized. Being psychic is the ultimate fear.
The fact that I can see visions, hear voices, dream of other people’s pasts and futures, make choices based on my awareness vs being in unknown probable uncertainty is their ultimate fear. I had avoided and been afraid of going to the United Kingdom for years. In college, when I experienced being burned at the stake as a Witch, I faced extreme pain and fear. Yet, I felt that as time was passing, becoming more and more psychic, the United Kingdom would cause me to see more ghosts in one place than ever before. On the one hand, I dreaded that. On the other hand, I knew that the Spiritual Churches in Great Brittain is the safest place for a Physical Medium like myself. This past weekend, I found that I have been correct about that and that some of them travel to Australia.
Being a nation under the Queen, they are naturally endowed with Spiritual Churches based on the same roots of the ones in Brittain. So, it is a safe haven for a Physical Medium like my self. And, I found that out this weekend. As for good news, I had been formulating what my Perfect Partner would be like. I knew she had to understand me as a Spiritual Being. And, I knew she had to understand her own self. I knew her psyche had to match mine. And, I knew that all my partners of past had various degrees of being psychic. However, none of them desired to become professional though they all manage their own spiritual life in ways that they can cope. Some of them are very supportive of me. One former partner told me the other day, “If I had your skills, I would be manifesting a lot of money. I would be wealthy.” That is true if she were manifesting what I can. At one point, I could manifest money with out worries. Then, I had my Near Death Experiences and Life Reviews. I was not using my abilties and skills in the highest good. I was using them for my self and partner. And, that partner, my first long term partner, does well with money. That was her path. Mine was to become a healer and spiritual teacher.
I have had set backs with income because my soul evolves in ways that challenge other people to understand who I am and what I can do in relationship to how I can serve them. Their limits placed limits on my income. In my past lives, in ancient pasts, I have been very successful. My skills in ancient times were in demand. Only until the Witch Persections and Witch Hunt did souls like my self become feared and dreaded to the point of death penalties. So, this life has been a challenge. To be honored and respected, I have fought various battles on various battle fronts. And, those I fought not just for my soul. I fought them for all the souls who evolve with mine. I have turned down scienfic grants to have my work catagorized as elite information for the elite echalons. I grew up in a Nuclear Submrine base where my Great Aunt, one of my spiritual mentors, a Spiritualist and 33rd Mason forecasted my birth from her dreams within months before my parents met each other and soon conceiving of me.
So, before I was a twinkle in my father’s eye, it was already ordained by fate and destiny that I would be born “a Powerful Witch.” And, as fortune has it, I recalled choosing my own mother as a Point of Light. So, my life has been filled with awareness of intention and consequences of knowledge. None of which I could escape by excuses. All of which came back through to me through my Life Reviews as well as dreams, visions and voices during my childhood and life. There has been no escape from being and feeling responsible for seeing the past and future fo me. There has only been an ongoing guidance of following a path set out by fate and ultimately destiny. Granted I have had visions and voices guide me. Those gifts seemed like curses at various times. Choice, choosing fates has always been one chore after another. Evolving rapidly to match the evolution of other souls who would and do need me as a soul to share my awareness and knowledge has been an ultimate challenge. When the world grows, I grow. I have no choice other than to choose how I manage my emotions and communicate with others.
So, this weekend, I learned that other Mediums are aware of my spectrum of abilities. Those who are involved within these realms of social circles are aware of those of us who have been hiding for the reasons we have hidden these abilities. And, now that I have risked stepping out of the closet and into the arena with other souls who can both gain from me and open me to being with others like me, I am thrilled to have crossed this void from being afraid to show myself and share to being able and willing to come out and be with other Psychics and Mediums again.
This is the beginning of a new stage of life for me, again but one that is setting my path in alignment with souls across the globe. I do mean across the globe. Over a decade ago, I was told that there are over 3 million members of the Espiritista Church of the Philippines. That is just the Philippines. That does not count Europe, Australia, all the Americas-North, Central and South America as well as nations around the world who have affiliated Spiritual Churches. As you can imagine, being called a Witch, I would be reticent to set foot in any Church. Albeit the Espiritistas of the Philippines was created to maintain my ancestral heritage so that it was never be erased from history. And, that means that I am facing the fact that though I have been called a Witch, a Witch Doctor and many other names, I fully embody and embrace Indigenous Spiritual Cultures of all Primal Ancestral Beings on the Planet. I am multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-dimensional as a Spiritual Being. Time Space is not divisible in Spirit.
We all can embody and embrace our layers of soul experiences. And, that is the goal of the spiritual paths those of us on it are facing within our souls, our minds, our bodies to express at this time from cultures around the world. I believe that those of us who are done with labels which dishonor, disrespect and disregard as spiritual souls having a human experiene, we are coming out of the closets on every level we can afford at any moment we can afford to face others who would try to limit us, limit our perceptions of our souls, our selves, our minds, bodies, emotions. We are done. And, now I am beginning to believe the time has come to break through these barriers and free our souls for the planet, for all souls.
I must say that my favorite holiday is of course Halloween and All Souls Day. Oh, and I have met my most powerful partners around Halloween, especially at Halloween parties. Regardless of that happening, All Souls Day is a special holiday to honor and respect all those souls who have passed before us. If you know me, and I am sure that you do on this closed list, the dead are alive and well with me. I have been getting used to my father and nygma buddhist welsh male friend being around me in the astral these past some years since they passed over. My grandmother made herself known at the Canberra Spiritual Church the Sunday before last. My grandmother died on All Souls Day, three years before I was born. I know she was a psychic and healer in her own rights though born Swedish Lutheran then converted to Catholocism. I felt my grandmother had something to do with getting me together with my first partner. Maybe she can help me meet my last one. One can only ask.
So, the biggest realization I have had this past weekend has been about partnership. Yes, I know my own self. And, I knew that I needed a partner who is an equal in my eyes, ears and other senses. I had not taken the term Medium on though I have been guided by spirit guides my entire life since before I learned to speak, I had just had this issue with the word Church. Being a Witch in a Church really had me under a spell of fear and dread all of my life. I have set foot in a Church. Yet, being my real self, sharing my self as a being, I have been reticent, reluctant, resistent. But if I am going to bridge the gap, move beyond my own limits, I have been setting foot into the Spiritual Church as I know that it is a sanctuary for souls like me. I have also always known that I meet my partners on my path, in social circles and we are both guided to each other. Even for some years, I knew that when I came out of my fear of being in a Witch Closet again that the Afterlife, Near Death and Mediumship groups and organizations would be the way for me to move through my path and meet a partner. I had been working my way through my own issues to get there for some years. I just had to release a lot of fear and dread to get there. I am getting there day by day.
This weekend was an immense relief. There are people who can understand some of me, more of me than most unless someone is close to my inner circles. And, of course, to me that also means that a partner is moving closer to me and me to her. I really, really, really want a partner who is also a Physical Medium. I had been meditating on what I need and want for a year now. I began coming into direct focus on my personal needs list after clearing out what I did not want to repeat again for several years. I had a very long list of Never Agains. Now, my short list of needs is so much more tidy and brief. That is the amazing part. I am seeing, sensing that an incoming partner will have the life experience, psychic skills to cope with being with me and if need be, there are other Physical Mediums I can send her to for refresher courses in realizing I am not a Crazy Witch. Yay!!!
My guidance signs and signals will be much more clear now. For this and much more, I am grateful.
Cheers, Love and Light, J.
P.S. Always, I hope that sharing helps others to become more clear about all the issues we face as spiritual beings sharing our souls with others. I hope sharing my journey is helpful.
“Scotland’s Last Witch
Helen Duncan Spiritualist Helen Duncan was born in Callender, Scotland, on the 25 November 1897. From an early age she is said to have displayed the ‘gift’ of medium with the spirit world. A prominent feature of her sittings was her ability to emit ‘ectoplasm’ from her mouth during her trances – a stringy white substance that is supposed to give form to spirits and allow them to communicate.”
This story seems so long ago. When the Witches Act of 1735 was still an active law in the Brittish Colonies, people were still being tried as Witches until the Witches Act was repealed in 1951. You think that is all that long ago? My mother was one year’s old. Before I was born, my Great Aunt dreamt that a “powerful baby witch would be born” in our family. My mother met my father some months later and soon after, she became pregnant with me in 1966. I have been called a “Witch” since before I was born. To me, that is not as long ago as it seems. This is part of the story of my entire life. And, when it seems that I can let it go, the Witch Hunters rear their very heads. Why?
What is all this Witchhunting about? In the 1860s, two sisters known as the Fox Sisters became the focus of a new movement, the Spiritualist Movement. This movement consisted of Mediums who were known to be able to contact the dead. Or, rather, the dead contacted loved ones in what is known as a circle of sitters who come together to wait and listen for deceased loved ones to contact them with messages. By the time Helen Duncan became well known as a Medium, the Witch Hunters were on the rise. The Witch Hunters are not Skeptics as they seem to call themselves today. Why would an Aetheist Skeptic care about Mediums or psychics? Aethesists would naturally not need to pay attention as they would not even believe that any mythical or mystical event is real. Why would they bother?
Real Witch Hunters are not Skeptics. They are Religious. Most commonly known are Christians. Yet, any religion which holds its on beliefs as true and real hold Witches as their enemy. Anyone who has any contact with Spirit other than a religious leader is a Witch. When these things are done within a religion, they are considered blessed. They are prophets, saints. A Witch Hunter is like any authority who claims status as a defender of truth. A Witch Hunter defends the truth of his or her beliefs. And, they do this with great vigor, bigotry, hatred with intent to harm life, limb, property, social standing, anything and everything is off limits to a Witch Hunter. One can say that it is an obsession possessed by the fear of other people who do not agree with them. It would be simple enough to call them crazy if they were not hidden in layers of authority within society.
Why should we care about these people? These people hide in so many forms of prejudice that they are often invisible to us in our modern daily lives. However, when their believers gain mass, they tend to come out of hiding and begin their finger pointing, verbal accusations and finally they can also become tempermentally unrestrained as in violent. And, sometimes they can use the law on their own side to do harm. The case of Helen Duncan is such a case in point:
“During World War Two, Duncan lived in Portsmouth, the home of the Royal Navy. In 1941, the spirit of a sailor reportedly appeared at one of her seancés announcing that he had just gone down on a vessel called the Barham. HMS ‘Barham’ was not officially declared lost until several months later, its sinking having been kept secret to mislead the enemy and protect morale.
Unsurprisingly, Duncan’s activities attracted the attention of the authorities and on 19 January 1944, one of her séances was interrupted by a police raid during which she and three members of her audience were arrested.”
Oh, yes there is a New Age Movement one can argue so what does one arrested Medium have to do with everyone else? Well, though the Witche’s Act was repealed in 1951, a new act replaced that one:
“Duncan was remanded in custody by Portsmouth magistrates. She was originally charged under section 4 of the Vagrancy Act (1824), under which most charges relating to fortune-telling, astrology and spiritualism were prosecuted by magistrates in the 20th century. This was considered a relatively petty charge and usually resulted in a fine if proved. She was eventually tried by jury at the Old Bailey for contravening section 4 of the Witchcraft Act of 1735, which carried the heavier potential penalty of a prison sentence.”
“Duncan was found guilty as charged under the Witchcraft Act and sentenced to nine months in Holloway Prison, London, but she was cleared of the other offences. She was the last person in Britain to be jailed under the act, which was repealed in 1951 and replaced with the Fraudulent Mediums Act following a campaign by spiritualist and member of parliament Thomas Brooks.”
Now, the issue is this: everyone who has a natural ability to communicate with deceased loved ones and shares that openly is tested by people who claim to be authorities of knowing whether their actually ability is true or not. Laws that replaced the Witches Act were laws against Mediumship, Fortune Telling, anything and anyone psychic. These laws are on the legal books all around our nation. Instead of a Witch Burning, one can be deemed as a fraud and invoke those old laws. All of the people who fear that there is an Illuminati do not realize that no one gets to become well known in the world of Mediums and Psychics without being tested, critiqued, judged to some degree. Yet, being a certain kind of Medium is more strenuous testing, more criticism and judgement than any other is the Physical Medium. And, that is why I went into retreat from public life. Those who are like me often have done the same. When people come to you to harm you because of your psychic abilities, when they try to destroy your reputation, means of earning income, damage your life in my case by slashing my tires once per month for a year while local police only advocate getting a home video recording cameras then you realize that the Witch Hunters are not just out to get you, they are out to destroy you. Why?
Because if we have our own Spiritual Power, we do not need others to stand in between us and a shrine to worship an Idol. We do not need a religion which takes our power away and gives it a false God. It does not matter which religion is taking our power. Yet, we know one religion which evolved from destroying tribes, clans on continent after continent, island after island to dominate all others. In the name of this religion, all others have been destroyed. The Witch Hunters never cease to exist because they hide in their religious works, their so called charity of giving to those they conquored, the mothers and children left in the ashes of over a thousand years of domination. I will not name them as I will not give them power. I will only state that we are on a verge of taking our Spiritual Power from all those who have sought to oppress, suppress, destroy and obliterate those of us who walk in our Spiritual Power. The world is not ending. We only in a new cycle. The cycle of persecution has been coming to an end.
The Religious War on Women Is Over: We are Done!
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