Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.
My evolution from being a private person–dreaming with my spirit guides to being a public person dreaming with people around the world has been one of intense inner growth. My fear that I could not find a partner given that I can dream with people around the world has been a real one. My astral being is more than I am as a person. I can only merely communicate as a human whereas my astral being can travel through space and time, from past to present to future in no order whatsoever other than what is presented as necessary for learning and healing. I literally have been afraid that no partner could handle the visceral sensitivity I require to be in an intimate relationship. I had been withholding my feelings and emotions based on my past experiences.
All of last year, I was battling with myself to allow myself to feel my feelings and express my emotions. I have written all about that. However, it is a real situation. My partner has to be on board with being able to feel and emote. I cannot do that alone in a two-way relationship. Not only that, but my partner also has to grow beyond her own fears of being aware that she is also an astral being who can also be present in space, time, past, present and future in no order other than her own soul ordains necessary. That is a tall order. Albeit, I made the request for that order to my Luminous Light Being.
So, what kind of things are going on that I am feeling I need to express now? Talking about being a Spirit Guide while one is alive is not actually been easy to do. We have had all kinds of labels for people who can astral travel and heal and teach others in the astral. However, in 2003, I was shown that my Luminous Light Being is a Spirit Guide and that I am that being in the Light. This self-realization falls flat on the ears of atheists, and squelches of ears of theists. Even those who are Buddhists are skeptical, criticial and judgemental. However, that only leaves Yogis. Yoga has been usurped by athletes. But the real Yoga means Union as in Union with Source or God. And, authentic Yogis become Spirit Guides in the Flesh. That is what Yogis do.
I have not discussed any particular belief system because no belief gets you beyond the Mind. God Realization is an Ultimate State of Being. For all intent purposes, being Self-Realized has all the heartache of Non-Self-Realized. The real test of Union with Source is Facing Opposition. Love of Other as Self is the Goal. And there is a real problem with people who do not feel that once one begins this path s/he can have a partner. That is why I began Jed Heart. Yes, we can have Union with Source and with Partner.
To be in Partnership with a Twin Flame means we are working on the same Soul Issues that divide All of Us from Source. I mean, the Twin Flame Partner has worked through most of their Soul Lessons and the remaining ones are Shared with the Twin Flame. Those remaining Soul Lessons may be the hardest lessons. That is often why the Twin Flame relationship is the hardest one to yield and let go of our power issues. I am no different in that respect. I have enjoyed astral travel from young childhood. Being able to willingly handle my own astral experiences and learn and grow has been a life time of adventure. Sharing that adventure has been a blessing. But sharing my power, that has yet to occur at the level of Twin Flame Partnership. I have equally feared it and desired sharing power. However, I know that is going on.
I have to have a great sense of humor to be able to handle my own inner battles over power. I have a great sense of humor. And, some days, I am perfectly happy to not share my power. On other days, I would love to share my power. It is not about myself though. It is about the evolution of my Soul. And, my Soul does not accept my human excuses. As embarrassing as that is true, it is true. If I do not comply with my Luminous Light Being, I will dream all kinds of alternate realities. I will be shown what is wrong with my thinking and I will have to adjust my self. It is as simple as that. It can be quite embarrasing that I know that not just my own Light Being does this but that all Light Beings have this same awareness of each other. That is the real blessing in disguise. In the Light, we are transparent, we cannot hide.
And, so that is an incentive to keep releasing all kinds of internal excuses and denial about sharing power. Withholding my power withholds sharing on a planetary level. And, that is not funny. Our planet needs all of the Light Beings present and available to teach, heal, and pass on our knowledge of accessing the Light for generations to come. This Twin Flame movement is about that: bringing Powerful Souls into Union to Save Our Planet. That is the bottom line. So, there, I said it, it is a battle between self and Self- litle self and Greater Self in the World. Choosing Your Mate is Greater than You and Your Mate. It is about Being the Best You, the Best Both of You.

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