Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

Sometimes I feel
That my breath is so heavy
When it gets filled in my lungs
And when I exhale it in the air
It burns my upper lip
Feeling like I am a dragon
Who breathe out flames of fire
It is the moment that the warmth
Inside me gets released
I feel my heart’s getting colder
Colder than an ice berge
I need a breathe of fresh air
So warm and tender
That is strong enough
To melt my frozen heart
And embrace my heart and soul
With care and love
I know it’s only you can bring
Back my lost warmth
You are that warm breath
I need you to warm my heart and soul
until my last day
And on that day
I’ll release you as my last breath
Go in peace my warm breath

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