Soul Mates, Twin Flames and other Flames… for Evolving Souls.

Twin Flames

Soul Flames

Soul Flames is a third point of view which has derived from decades of studying metaphysics, philosophy, world religion, experiences of clients and students, comparing and contrasting my own experiences against the traditional literature and other healers, psychics and private persons. I will also mention that besides my own life time of Light Body Experiences, Light Teachings given to my Light Being in the Light Realms, I also graduated cum laude, with honors, as Philosophy major in college. I realized modern scholastics had nothing to offer to me beyond the Bachelor of Arts degree. I began working with clients and students as well as relationship partners. My Master and Ph.D. Degrees are in spiritual relationships with real people. That said, the Soul Flame concept arises from decades of spiritual, psychic experiences I studied from every possible means of understanding from being human to being made of Luminous Light. I feel that this concept is the missing link to our personal and relationship evolution.

The thesis of Soul Flame is based on the facts about how we derive the Soul Mate and Twin Soul or Twin Flame concepts which became beliefs. First, these teachings come from archeology findings from Ancient Egypt, Greece and India primarily. The issues that I raise becomes clear when we examine the history of the findings. The Ancient civilizations were destroyed by wars. The Library of Alexandria in Egypt was the database for all known knowledge in the form of scrolls. For instance, it was known that the earth was round. Carl Segan did a televised segment on that known fact decades ago.
Science as we know it derives from Sir Francis Bacon who was a Jesuit Order Philosophy Professor of a university teachings Natural Magic, Alchemy, Astrology and Medicine. The Scientific Method was introduced by Sir Francis Bacon in an effort to rectify the means of testing philosophical Theory. It was known that certain theories were logically plausible on written paper but did not work out in reality testing. A case in point was the theories for calculating the trajectories of cannon balls. The cannons were not performing as described by the theories of the time. In order to perform for the Kings and Queens of the Empires, the Philosophers had to learn how to test their theories. That methodology evolved into the Renaissance Era and to Modern Science as a premiere and prized occupation. From the beginning of Science, scientists worked for the military and industrial revolutions.

That being said, practical theory for our souls begin with our own life experiences. We learn lessons based on testing our beliefs against what we learn from our own experiences. Soul Mate and Twin Soul or Flame teachings primarily derive from the Ancient School of Plato, The Platonic Academy. However, the Temple of Delphi where the Priestesses of Greece resided was destroyed. We have no teachings from the school which is of the feminine order of ancient knowledge. We can also assume that those teachings would also be secret and hidden as it was a sacred temple. Those are two examples of where Soul Mate and Twin Soul/Flame theory and concepts arose. However, those are only two examples of from the Ancients. We only know what has been translated, maintained, protected from the Jesuit Order within the Catholic Church and archeology findings which became protected by scientists. In both cases, there has been a conspiracy to hide or destroy any evidence of knowledge which did not suit the Catholic Church, Royalty and later the Industrialist elite.

A good example of that conspiracy is the omission on non-heterosexual knowledge. The Greek Philosophers such as Socrates were known to be bi-sexual or homosexual. Socrates had many male, young male, lovers. That was discussed openly with other Philosophers and is historically documented. The Senators of Greece were students of the Philosophers. To be a student, a male was most likely the younger lover of his teacher. The parents all knew that. It was fashionable. Those males often took a wife only to have children. An entire civilization wherein which homosexuality is part of the echelons of soul and spiritual knowledge has been nearly obliterated from modern scholastics. From this sample of historical example, we can safely assume that most of the knowledge about non-heterosexuality has been omitted from history and religion. Acknowledging the limits of knowledge which our current civilizations have evolved, we can depart from the limitations of the traditional Soul Mate and Twin Soul/Flame teachings based on the mere fact that they are incomplete. Hence, introducing Soul Flames allows a spiritual freedom to explore Soul based relationships using the Scientific Methods of testing our old belief systems and opening our mind to evolving beyond our mental limits.

In my experiences, my Soul Flame relationships contain the elements of both the described Soul Mate relationships and Twin Soul/Flame relationships. I have stated before that only two of my personal relationships met the Twin Flame descriptions. Yet, one of the requirements is that a soul is only supposed to have one Soul Flame. If there are two meeting those requirements, then that poses a conflict. I was conflicted for decades. The middle ground is the create a concept which includes elements for both.

One of the required elements for Twin Souls / Flames is that both know their Life Purpose or that each triggers the knowledge of their Life Purpose from the ignition of the Soul Flame memory in each other. My first Soul Flame met that requirement. Our Soul Flames met in the Light Realms. Yet, we never became a couple nor did we ever have sex in the flesh. We were in love but it was unrequited. The second Soul Flame met the requirements of being merged in our Gold Light, Soul Flame bodies but only from the waist down and she has never evolved to know her Life Purpose though our relationship did awaken her to her spirituality. From those two opposite experiences, I can derive a conclusion that Soul Flames may meet only some of the Twin Soul requirements and surpass all of the Soul Mate described requirements. Thus, a Soul Flame has the potential of becoming a Twin Soul / Flame but there is no guarantee. It is sort of like being a semi-professional artist, musician, athlete, etc. You are almost there at the top of your art and skill but not quite. At least in soul evolution there is actually no race. Every thing you attain is after all is said and done, personal.

The adage that the more you are aware the less you know is not completely true. The truth is that the more you know, the more you let go of, the more aware and psychic you become. At a certain point, you have faith as you are guided by a higher awareness of knowing. At that point, thinking does not give you an advantage. Letting go of thinking gives you the advantage. Your Soul Flame is the person, the soul, the being who reflects your awareness of being a spiritual soul based person back to you. S/he will know you in ways that which mirror who you are in reality. An evolved Soul Flame perfects your soul as his or her love allows you to accept your Divinity as well as releasing beliefs which no longer serve you. Accepting the love, unconditional love, from a Soul Flame is the most healing experience as it also reflects accepting love from our own Light mirrored by theirs. This is a powerful relationship which needs to be realized as a spiritual experience, a sacred relationship experience. Evolving beyond the beliefs which were incomplete for centuries and even thousands of years, we can transcend our one to one soul based relationships and evolve personally and as global citizens. Our birthright is to accept our selves and love those who love us. There is no higher calling.
